
Before writing this article you should have grabbed a dictionary... so you know the meaning of word...

WTF? I indeed said they used manual not automatic. You said they were not manual as in normal cars, but they are still manual as I understand the term, at least for F1.

I know it is not the same, but it is still manual... Who makes the shift? Unless the answer is NOT THE DRIVER, then is manual.

Now playing

For F1: You are not saying that they are not manual, you are just saying that because of technical modifications they are not manual as in most normal comercial cars... not being manual as a in street car is not the same as being automatic

How can a car have too much power for manual? Last time I checked F1 and drag race cars use manual...

Oui, they should have used real bullets... les incompetent...

Both probably...

I will add a FUCK FLESH CROISSANT to the list...

This is a a full WTF moment... he could be Hitler’s godson for all I care, WTF has to do anything of that with what happened on the plane? So I think FUCK YOU UNITED and FUCK THE POLICE must now be joined by a FUCK Louisville Courier-Journal...

You are supposed to offer incentives.. not disincentives...

Fuck you. THat is uncalled for. And I am on the fuck United and Fuck the police on this one. Call me when you are raped so I can smile at you too. Idiot

he would have “fallen” on some bullet probably....

He was brave tho... but he does not sound nor looks “murican”.

You know what. This is exactly how things should go.

Well I would not consider my self rich if I had less than 1 million in savings. Rich means that if any day you decide to stop working and just live your life, you can do it. If you stop working and you money disappears in less than 10 years, you were not rich, just upper middle class. Also a severe disease can wipe a

Indeed, she is mentally ill, high on something or most likely both. One way or another they have to catch her soon because any day now she will murder someone.

Look, French is the “language of love” not smart nor brave not even singing... love... so.

The banyokazooniness of this is uncanny....

This, plus the initial reluctance because he didnt want to seem patronizing makes me really like Mr. Schultz. He seems to have been a really good person with a healthy moral code. Kinda makes you understand how his strip was able to resonate with the “good americans”.

>The only reason to use umbrellas for rain is for a quick passage from one point to other when you need to keep someone or something dry and you dont happen to have something else to cover it/him/her ...