
De gustibus non est disputandum

Ok, Maybe i am missing something... is this up here the “joke”, if so, how is it offensive?

I am catholic, 100% ok with it. Probably because I am from a small town in central Italy where people hearts are just too big, I am not kidding, my family on my father side are actually honest to God (pun intended) Atheist Marxist. My father is no longer a communist and has gone pretty much agnostic, he basically

By British stardards he was tender, loving and sweet...

Too late, I already saw it... and I like it.

Isnt the whole point of the skit the fact that IT IS RACIST?

“white Christian”

I am all for bitch slapping nazis, but here I have to support YourLocalCO.

THIS. A business needs to be healthy in order to be good. People use airplanes because they are faster but if they are too expensive they would use trains, why did the train system die? because of cheap airlines. Give everything the right price and you end up with descent planes and descent trains. NONE is going to be

I think you hit the nail in the head here...

Adding the category on top of the name of the winner would be a great start to catch this kind of errors in the worst case scenario like this one....

It was not Warren Beatty fault, he had the wrong card.

Real problem is, it does not mean he is guilty.

Yea, that is kind of my point... But lets face it, never before in the history of mankind we had so much access to everything... being the town clown is now a global thing...


I have not seen the original video and I will not see it. Was there any kind of context where he said: Look how crazy this is, I actually can hire people to do this horrible thing?

Question: How was it legal for people to just go there and dismantle the plane? Did they have some sort of court order?

There is no joke, he hates no Jews (most likely), all he wants are clicks, that is his thing, he knew this BS was going to generate a lot of noise and get him lots of clicks. THAT. IS. IT.

Something tells me that this will be the case with many many other things in the near future....

I feel the same way. My beef is with people that try to read an offensive statement where there is none.