
Then Silver and Strong, it is just not so literally sound to use adjectives for different qualities:

Wait what?

You must learn more about chimps... they are total bastards...

You know you were gonna write Black and Smart and then you brain sounded the alarm....

A lie is a lie no matter who makes it. This is not the way to fight this...

I disagree, but I will star you non the less. I think bad education produces BAD republicans and BAD democrats, think about it.... that is why USA is in this situation right now... Republicans and Democrats used to stand for something.... not anymore...

Wrong. ALL your money comes from education.

As corrupt and sometimes ineffective as unions can be they are necessary. Back in the day the government didn’t give 2 fucks about the working class, people fail to understand that the rise of the middle class living status is unequivocally linked with the work of unions in the 19 century.

You have me at Amway... that explains everything...

Your troll fu is lacking. To be effective you must not be so obvious...

There is a difference between stupid and oblivious...

Exactly my point. Star for you.

Because the idiots on the left have their field day in Latin america and Europe the last 20 years, fucked up everything scaring the bejeezus out of right wingers in the USA, and now the idiots on the right will have their turn at fucking up everything... is a cyclic thing you see.

If people berated Jews comedians every time they make a joke a bout jews being racist there would be no Jews comedians...

Wait a second.. you think ONLY white people are racist? Or that people who suffer racism can’t be racist themselves?

Wait. She is being called racist, because of a hair and dressing style... seriously...

Everytime I see this I just say “Fuck you”.

Bingo. At last someone who gets the point. Star for you.

See, this you said here is my mayor beef with the general anti death penalty movement. I am against the death penalty, but not because i think is morally wrong, hell no. I am against the death penalty because the judiciary system is simply incapable to ensure 100% that the person they are executing is actually guilty

Fuck the martyr argument. Just kill him. If anyone comes out calling this pile of shit a hero or martyr, good, it will be easier to recognize what kind of people they are.