And in the case of the KJV, they did a poor job.
And in the case of the KJV, they did a poor job.
I know you are joking.... but do you know many DO think that?
Maybe it was his way so she would understand what he meant when he said that He wanted to KNOW her...
See, that is the root of the misunderstanding, I am not calling him an idiot for not doing it for real to get sex, He is a predator and wants to satisfy a fantasy of power, I call him an idiot because if instead of a scam he had ran the thing for real, his victims would have had a harder time making a case about him.…
“He did a lot of work in order to lie to and rape multiple women.”
Not the raping, the scam. Also it would have made a lot harder for the victims to prove that they were raped is there was evidence on video that they were making a casting for porn movie and have sex with the perpetrator.
So native americans dont have “white american names”?
I am actually impressed by the fact that he didn’t let the spear touch the ground.
No, you missundertood me, I meant the idiot could have made money on top of having sex... and ironically it would have made the whole thing legal...
Bad example, Tiger woods was excellent, the competition didn’t go up, he went down... hard.
Wait.. What? You would not eat Gwyneth all day?
That is not culture... that is an abomination unto God...
Dude, there is not 1 white culture, that is idiotic, is like saying that there is just 1 black culture, culture is not a racial thing, while it is linked to it, it is mainly a social thing. Italians have a culture, but there is not 1 italian culture, each region is different in many ways. Italo-americans have a…
and made money... lots of money. He is probably satisfying a darker desire. AKA he is a nutjob sexual predator.
The weirdest part about this story is that if he has filmed himself having sex with these women and sold that around to adult entertainment sites, and payed the girls with the appropriate profits, he would be not considered a scammer... He is a predator, but also an lazy ass idiot.
Well I am 100% against censorship, So i didn’t like the way it was shown....
Sadly most porn is not “normal” sex, and I am not talking about weird stuff, they depict straight normal one on one sex in a totally false way. That said, fuck this idea, is wrong in all ways...
Nvm. I saw the second video... he is high as a kite alright.
Mmm... you sure he is maybe... i don’t know... enjoying something else beside Phish... or maybe he has some kind of ... mental problem.... Because every time I have seen that face is either a mentally challenged person or someone high as a kite...
“How do I become ugly to these people?”