Well she was right. Ball kicking is equal to pussy grabbing.... even worst because unless you are a masochist ball kicking can never be nice...
Well she was right. Ball kicking is equal to pussy grabbing.... even worst because unless you are a masochist ball kicking can never be nice...
COTD. Star for you.
Do it first. All the others will help you recover... I mean it... watch it first or not watch it at all... To give you a spoilerless idea: In comparison The Road was goddamn cheerful....
I totally believe it. But if you add a vegan I would call BS.
Fun fact on 19 century America (and before): Germans, Italians, Irish, etc... were not considered white. And if you were a jew or a catholic trying to “blend in” and got caught... hooly crap would fall upon you...
Citations needed, make a reference to a specific part.
Yea, having a kid totally mellowed down the old cranky...
You miss the “false idols” part. Judeo-Christian system specifically tells again and again that there are no other gods, just human self delusion or “lesser” creatures (AKA demons) impersonating a god.
Because usually nothing gets simplified just because you can not grasp it.
And you all fail to recognize the ultimate truth. Death penalty is not about being a deterrent, is about removing permanently individuals that are deemed irredimible. The deterrent part is just pseudo delusion to avoid the fact that it is a form of state driven old school vengeance.
Anvil’s better, smaller size and less variables.
So you are pro death penalty. Good, you are making their case easier...
They will not admit it, but that the prisoner suffers before dying is really of no concern to them, is just a matter of PR.
Unless your religion of choice is (improbably) correct, then the blasphemer is the victim.
So George Lucas was right on EPIII.... I be damned...
They are republicans, so mostly “evangelical” Christians, so no, they dont know their “Christianity”. They don’t even spell in English God’s name in their own Bible right, they spell it JEHOVA when it should YAHWEH from the correct english version of the tetragrammaton YHWH.
Geez.. He died in February... He kinda started the 2016 Death Walk for me. He was the first one that made me say, oh fuck, sad, but yea, He was already old when he made the Godfather so...
Yea, they talk shit, but inside they all get all warm and fussy because they feel someone cares about them... Sad people tend to do that.
Indians are as bad as chinese about respect to wild life or life in general, but at least chinese are not so hypocritical.
La jerga mexicana es difícilmente considerada español. Es mas hay 2 palabras que no tengo ni idea que significan: “codo” (Sé que es codo como elbow pero npi de que quiere decir aquí) y “nacos”.