Wait, are you implying that they are somehow gold-diggers and/or whores?
Wait, are you implying that they are somehow gold-diggers and/or whores?
I think he meant that as a plus...
He doesn’t need to read those briefings, those are just words, and he has the best words...
What? are you a hipster now?... merlot is perfectly fine, i do prefer cabernet sauvignon myself but dont do that... dont fucking do that...
By the way. Censoring all nazi imaginary is totally wrong and counterproductive. I dont understand why germans do that, evil should be shown and explained, not hidden.
I would usually answer that we should fight it with the truth, but their brains are like fucking Teflon to it...
I would totally not do that. I would like to watch it.. but not do it. ;)
I dont know... maybe because it was fascist to do so?...
I just hope ultraliberals and uninvolved people realize this by then, otherwise we will have 8 years of “unrealness”...
So thats why italian mafia bosses are such nice people... obvious...
That is not the definition of ironic....
How is this new? Fascist have always had a great sense of style and fashion.
Indeed, it will make your penis explode...
All the stars!!!
Ah fuck, Now i realice that he is probably trolling... fuck i fell for it..
If he actually meant THAT he really needs to REWRITE the whole thing.
This is so stupid it is mind blowing... Yes before technological aid humans were born in natural ways... and died by the fucking ton.
Totally, a future with Werewolves, Snakemen, Lionmen, Fishmen etc etc for purely cosmetical reasons is totally possible.
Miss-managed meds... he he.. in my days we called it getting high as a kite... Kids these day.
Because Jezebel posters lack the foresight to understand that depicting raw rape on film and show how disgusting and demeaning it is, is actually positive because it shows that reality to the general public, the word is AWARENESS. They would prefer rape to never be a subject of any media ever again. All they read in…