
So..... Thanks Obama?

It is the same thing, just that the label changes according to the status of the people involved.

You americans are your stupid ideas about age difference... you should worry more about not doing your first cousins so something like this elections doesn’t happen again....

Piece of advice: If perfectly ok to see a movie wasted, it can enhance the experience, but you should always try to see it sober at some point...

It is a sham, as in no one can put you in a trance an make you do things against your will. In all its forms, this is BS.

After Trump victory... Nothing surprises me. Trolls used to amuse me, now they seem so lame...

Wow, so the exact half richer part of the country voted for Trump? Are you serious?

Wow... that was good stuff. The “We are Rome” is perfect, best part is, only people with a deep understanding of history will get the real meaning behind that sentence. Idiots will think “Yea, we are the fucking empire, no one messes with us”...

The good old USA got its BREXIT... Now deal with it. On the bright side, is going to be 4 years of comedic nirvana, people will forget about Dubia, or remember him as a lot smarter...

He does look older... somehow...

They have to cope somehow, let them. Fuck, I still cant believe it myself and I am not even american or want to live up there like 90% of the people I know....

Whom? The idiots who voted for him, or the SUPER idiots who amounted to +/-3% of the total votes who wanted to “punish” the establishment by NOT voting for Clinton? That would have got her the election hands down.. fuck Trump even got 230.000 less votes total....

I would call you a troll... but what you are saying is sadly true...

No. You can’t blame the candidates. Yes Gary Johnson is an idiot but this, all this BS is on the american people.

“ like asking my Roomba who i should vote for..” Well it seems many did just that yesterday...

More respect for you new vp... it is Mr. Vice president Idiot for you...

Yeap, then they end hating them more...

I was not even aware that publisher gave a limited number of key to online stores. I always assumed the store would just ask for a new key for each sell... It is like crazy stupid. The only reason I can think off that make any sense is if these game keys were bought at a special price and therefore only this fixed

But isn’t a fake world created to pander the needs of the wealthiest members of society inevitably end up being.... well like Westworld.

“ what relevance could this *possibly* have other than to stir the shit just in time for election day? ”