You know hating ALL men is exactly the female equivalent of misogynist right? Is like a black man saying I hate white people, that is racism too.
You know hating ALL men is exactly the female equivalent of misogynist right? Is like a black man saying I hate white people, that is racism too.
This doesn’t not hit me as something racist, more like insensitive and mean. Really, really mean.
I commend your trolling. Star for you.
Everyone hated Minmae, that ungrateful whore...
Gingrich and Christie were always pieces of crap in my book. I am sad to see Giuliani supporting Trump...
That is BS. First, He is black, and I am totally against this fucked up censorship of words. I am white and if I want to say or write the word nigger in whatever context I want I will do it. Like so. Why would I write N-word instead of nigger? Everyone knows what that stand for, it is mental... stop it already.
That is not right is so many levels... and i am full on the side of everything is f airplay...Heck I even think that making age of consent 18 is crazy. But i can’t stand child like kid cross dressing in a bathing suit AND fully sexualized.
That has to be the most stupid design in the history of FF... I cant stand it...
Well as long as It is a fully transitioned trans woman or a regular woman should be no problem. Trans half way may raise some interesting issues...
Excellent Robotech reference. Star for you.
Yea, that is the real problem. If you don’t want one sex to dress as the other for whatever reason you may think is logical, not doing the same for the other one totally invalidates your position.
My point exactly. If Halloween is to dress up as monsters why it is taken so negatively when someone dress up as a nazi? Because they were REAL monster? The reality of it is that this is just PC pussyness taken to the extreme, that is what. Japanese are wonderfully different cultural y and totally don’t give 2 fuck…
More to the point... What is a Wii U?
Problem is, some peoples metabolism GETS DOWN after eating making falling asleep easier. It kind of make sense if you think about it, after eating you dont really need to do anything, just rest, is finding food that requires you to be active, at least that is how it was before civilization. Most animals after eating…
No it does not. You consume 1000 calories but you just use 900 during the day, the you accumulate 100. How fast or slow you metab. is doesnt really matter.
Yea, that was kind of my point, only you were a lot more articulate than me. Creating states by dividing them by their ethical/cultural/religious majorities just shift the problem from civil local unrest to an “international” one, the Kashmir example you gave is perfect. Look how well dividing India and Pakistan…
Excellent post. I do agree, but is too late for that now, everyone and the dog wants the whole cake now. It is stupid really, like the Palestinian demanding Jerusalem as capital for the ancestral country that never existed before and Israel denying its own people full citizenship based on religion. The whole region is…
Funny thing is liberal potheads say this is shameless marketing by the military and wacko conservatives that is not shown enough because of the liberal media bias...
That is why you should ether don’t shoot anyone or shoot everyone...