Look 25+ years ago the GOP was still a serious party, now it has been taken over by the loonies and is going down hard. Remember, crazy people don’t know they are crazy and usually think everyone else is crazy. Crazy, isn’t?
Look 25+ years ago the GOP was still a serious party, now it has been taken over by the loonies and is going down hard. Remember, crazy people don’t know they are crazy and usually think everyone else is crazy. Crazy, isn’t?
I was in love with HP until 5 years ago.. I dont know what happened to her... maybe it was crack or heroin or the stupidly tiny ink cartridges, but our relationship is over beyond all hope...
I was in love with HP until 5 years ago.. I dont know what happened to her... maybe it was crack or heroin or the…
But you CAN call a black man nigger/nigga in public...
So that how Finn will spend his retirement.... Nice
Cause you are a noob... with a 110 lvl rogue...
WTF... Seriously... Am I so old that the actual culture involving going out, meet girls and do the nasty with them has become totally alien to me?
Inspired. Star for you.
I think you miss read Nietzche’s weblog walkthrough, he said there was not actually a final boss and gave a couple of cheat codes... but i never got them to work on my game version....
But the World does have different levels. You access them in exchange of experience points called “money”. And it has a hard penalty if you stop playing well, not only will you loose experience that will delay your leveling, you may even go down... Its worst than vanilla Diablo 2.
Nop, just a typo... :p
Because you are old, and if your nickname is an indication just as old as me... We are sentimental beast from a begone era, from before the dark times, from before The Activision....
That is the name of the app, people are talking about the framework that connects the games.
I smell a Troll!!! DOnt feed it...!!!
I have Starcraft Battlechess and Diablo 2 + Expansion, Warcraft 1,2 and 3. Never bought Diablo 1 but I played and finished it at a friend’s home... I fell in love with Blizzard there and then. My bros bought WoW + dont know how many expantions and SC2 + Hearth of the Swarm.
OMG... I am so old....
And it is such a cool name... sad indeed.
It would have been more appropriate just to ignore her. Oblivion is the best end to this kind of people.
He meant in public... by not mentally deviants...