
Well he specified the “race card” as to make clear that he was not a white red neck i suppose.


I know I am going to get a lot of heat for this, but here it goes:

Make a wall, and make them pay for it damn it...

I need visual proof to better understand this topic. Please post some pics and/or videos.

It would be great if the game had the option to play with “classics” skins too... for the unapologetic nostalgics.

I think is clear by the article that the key element of the defects was not that they were made by prisoners but the quality of the fabrication process itself.

You are right, reading failure on my part.

He did loose money, but it was not robbery, it was basically extortion. I live in Venezuela and that is the standard MO for police. Police says you did something, you pay or you get in trouble... you don’t want to get in trouble in Venezuela...

There is something I am not clear about. Did they report the robbery to the authorities or just commented about it in public?

I hope this article is a joke... if not... damn...

Why it never looks like that when is ready?

The weird thing and the one that really confuses me is that for all intends and purposes libertarians of today are like the republicans were more than a century ago...

Almost the same but I put 2014 before 1991. All others are no match.

Pedantic Definition Nazi remark: Maybe you meant GEOLOGICAL AGE...

Why did he look so nervous?

We Catholics are the bulk of Christianity (50%) and we are “creationist” In the sense that we believe God created the Universe. How did He created it? We leave it to science to explain and don’t give 2 fucks about it. That’s why Jesuits were so good at science, while ignorant peasants fabricated all this mythology


The laser moves at he speed of light but If you know where the laser is going before the trigger is pulled then is perfectly posible to put the block in the right place.