
Some people like their meat fresh.... very fresh...

You knew that as soon as people read that they would rage straight to the comments... My Hat to you...

Yea... and usually it was not enough to just touch them... you have to rub them... so...

Dude I am on the “fuck this guy if he is offended by this skin”. But you cant make a distinction between groups by the fact that their differentiating feature is chosen or not. That is religion should be in the same ground that race/gender/sex preference/political views.

Cant the answer be all of the above?

That doesn’t help the fact that IF it were true, everyone would be siblings...

And some “small” christian groups like Catholics don’t give a fuck about it because they take most of the old testament as allegories, moral tells and non literal truths. The whole debate is just some US denominations living in their own microcosmos of fantasy, like the republican “bubble”.

Is Richard Dawkins, that alone qualifies it to be thrown out the window....

Half-Life. Nuff said.

I don’t want to justify Cuevas behavior, but I am surprised that in a game with no time limit there is a fixed number of bathroom breaks. Wouldn’t it be better something like 1 break for hour played or something similar?

It is obvious. Asshole is genderless while bitch and dick are clearly not..

My theory:

Indeed. Voting for something you DON’T want to happen is very very stupid. But we are in a world where communism is seen as still viable by some and where Trump can win the POTUS. Left or right there is a bountifoul of stupid people

but sadly UK is full of old people...

Actually... that is a good possibility.


He was.

Wrong universe dude. The book’s Rikkon is a small kid. This one is almost Ramsey’s size.

Bullets and arrows... not the same. at that distance he could even turn around and evade the fucking arrow. Of course you have to NOT be scared witless like Rikkon obviously was. But my point is that your example sucks.

And staying alive, You can’t deny She is very good at staying alive...