This. Games should have the capability to survive their publishing house. The capability for users to set up their own servers would be nice. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy. just the basics to allow you to keep playing.
This. Games should have the capability to survive their publishing house. The capability for users to set up their own servers would be nice. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy. just the basics to allow you to keep playing.
The real question is WHY would they deny a petition to use those characters together if they are sister companies? The synergy and feedback in the money making department is obvious.
or Fallout...
You don’t have to lie... we know there is no nephew ;p.
Wait a sec... So Disney owns Star Wars, Marvel, ESPN and they are NOT making money? WTF?
Pacific Rim... Nuff said...
Trump will keep everyone busy... EVERYONE!!!
So much KLANG!!!...
Once chess was considered a sport all bets were off.
Kudos. That was an extremely inspired and accurate comment.
That was 2 generations ago... or is it 3? I am old... :(
Who the fuck cares.?.. all GOP candidates were mental cases... just different diseases. Trump is just the more outspoken and right out idiotic, hence the popularity. It is a sad sad day. If the average american is still somehow sane Hillary should win in a landslide, if Trump wins... damn is sad.
or just rights in general...
Usually there is a lot of planning involved, some use computer programs, others just paper, and others (crazy bastards) go right to make the parts. The advantage of the program is that it gives you a count on how many of each piece you need.
a million... more like a billion
You could say that it is impressive, most impressive... Sorry, low hanging fruit...
That’s why i am omnivorous and don’t give a damn what others eat or not.
Not eating what you kill is the only unethical part in meat eating as far as i am concerned.
Because veganism is not a just a dietary decision or life style, is a fucking cult. It is just that they are too blinded by their “faith” to realice it, just like with other “regular” cults...