
Why does it matter if there is a malayan tiger in ten years? Seriously. What difference does it make if the ecosystem where it lived no longer exist? What is the purpose of keeping a single species alive? Because they are beautiful? Majestic?

So we have reached the point where real world people are trying as hard as they can to look as fake as possible as a game that tries to look as real as it can...

I would be surprised to find a troll in this halls.... surprised i tell you.

I know that is a troll/joke with a bit of social commentary that is spot on. But still i hate you for saying it...

That’s blasphemous and cool. Star

Dude, it was justa joke.. lol.

Careful with the sirens...

Since IO9 got into GIZMODO I really cant tell where the hell i am when i click an article.

So, the “smart” part means that you have to be smarter than with a “dumb” wash machine?

Now you know why they are so evil... the traumas of the youth... the pain, the anger... That what does not kill you, makes you jackasser.

You must mean the Wii U. Because the Wii handed their asses to all other consoles of its generation.


Then you forgot the part about free will then. This is all our fault... We do this shit to ourselves...

Well that’s hardcore. And this SS dude got romantic with a jew girl or one of his descendant? Just curious because that super interesting family story. My granddad fought in the african front in WW2 for Mussolini’s Italy, and he was communist at heart, so he was not very pumped up about it. Got captured in the first

Yellow is an awful color for a baby, hard to keep clean...

But the fact is that boys and girls ARE different. This color thing, as you pointed out, is just a cultural trapping. But boys don’t learn to be boys and girls don’t learn to be girls, they just are, and then there are also lots of kids that go in between the 2 extremes. The point is how society deals with these

Wait, you have an actual nazi ancestor or you are just generalizing Germans?

Girl, sometimes IT IS harmless, sometimes is not. You don’t come along as you always know the difference.

Or maybe he was talking about being hurt as in: “That strategy hurts his business”. Instead of just hurt as pain.

I excuse him by the simple fact that he is male, and we males have a natural tendency to never, never, ever think about sex as something bad. It just dons’t compute...