
Does it matter? In case of a nuclear apocalypse will Americans think twice before blasting all trains just to be sure? It is a moving target on a fixed path...

But... That’s an eagle...

We are cool. Sorry if I sounded to blunt. It is just that this is the kind of useless shit that has got people killed, so I have made it an automatic answer to smack them in the head with facts. Not always works but i will keep on doing it.

Keep Dreaming.

Having a kid really softened the Old Man.

Yes, if you are talking about the evolution-is-not-real-earth-is-6000yo-gay-hating kind. Get those fuckers out and conservatives are on average better than liberals.

You know I agree with you, but how do you distinguish radicals from non radicals? This line of thinking can lead to mistreatment of innocent people from which a new batch of honest to God terrorist may be bred. Hate breeds hate. Those who are already identified as terrorist combatant must be exterminated (full meaning

But can He be redeemed?

And so the circle is now complete...

I think he was talking specifically about game adaptations.

That would be cool, like i want to see that in a game right the fuck now :p

Then don’t ask explanations. They are usually long, reading can be hard.

Wow. You really need that to be explained? I was trying to insult you when I said you where “special” but now i see i was just recognizing the full extend of your abilities.

Even if I was drunk why should I stop commenting? I don’t think I have ever heard of someone crashing on the information highway nor I think it could damage the very special relationship we have developed.

Nah, it blocks my creativity and prevents me from spontaneous murder sprees.

I am tired of your stupid fucking arguments. Get your fucking act together moron. You either claim the government has the right to take the land and pay whatever the ever fuck they want to because EMINENT DOMAIN, in which case mining value, land value, whatever the fuck value you are talking about doesn’t matter shit

Yea. Why use the word “ancestral” when his ancestors lived in that land... it is completely inappropriate... O wait.. his father is his ancestor.. and his father father too, and even his father father father lived there.. the word I think is greatdaddy? Sorry you must help me me here. Whats the definition of ancestor

ilmarin. I just find out that bourgeoisie is a “special” person, don’t use complicated words or he may get upset with you.

I didn’t realize I was insulting you by clarifying how capitalism works. Maybe you are mentally challenged and I didn’t realize it, for that I am sorry.

Nope, when the buyers wants it, the seller puts the price. The buyer sets the price when the seller wants to sell.