
Oh that´s easy. Get an appraisal of how much money each square meter of that base is valued for the USA government and how much more would that base value would improve by acquiring that land. My bet that is much more that 5 fucking million dollars. For folks that like to throw BILLIONS on shitty tech that (sometimes)

Maybe its going to be so fucking real that it will make you know what menstruating feels like while you play... I... as a man, I am trilled...

I am with you man.. all i heard was WHOOOSHH....

Capoeira is not a very good example for this case

If chess is a sport then, playing StarCraft is a fucking sport too.

I dont think so. The car that hit the bike had another car behind him. the bike was passing not 1 but 2 cars. I bet the old man didn’t even saw the bike util he hit it.

Yep, plus that you are an idiot for buying it...

Someone has to define the word tip here... A mandatory percentage of any kind on your bill is not a tip, is paying service. I am going to get heat here for what i am saying but while i would not protest the charge as the customer did, i would certainly say: <<Well, here is your “tip”, fuck you, I will never coming

I get your point, but lately people are talking like if 100% dinos where feathered and evidence shown so far indicates that the real big ones (T-Rex (despite being a close cousin to vrs), Stegos, Triceratops) weren’t and many like the Velociraptor are just “inferred” by apparent quill nobs, problem is that we have no

I really don’t understand. If the f-22 is better than the f-35 in everything: Why are not some heads being chopped off right the fuck now?

Not all dinosaurs had feathers.

Do you comment on The Register by any chance?

Yea. Is kinda weird that Reagan and Bush 1, where the best the GOP could produce in the last 40 years. Heck, I qualify both of them generally positive in most respects.

Open your eyes and learn the truth... is body paint....


I feel your pain bro... same thing here. Even with Minecraft and my kid is 8.

Because you fail to understand the fundamental reason for that particular right to be there in the first place: It is there in case the government becomes tyrannical, so that the people can fight it. The government trying to enforce more regulations is exactly what a government that is becoming tyrannical would do.

Ok, first full disclosure: I hate american fundamentalist Christians with their creationist shit and such, I respect them, but i hate their guts, just as I hate communism, Islamism and this new redneck shit (lets called teapartiesm) in general. I am a hateful yet respectful person you see. How is that possible? Simply

Ok, seams like you need to first tell me what is YOUR definition of PERSONAL DEFENSE, because in MINE, there is no way to use a nuke or rocket launcher to do so without killing oneself or severe collateral damage. On a side note: Exactly WHO is advocating to make it legal for private individuals to own such kind of