
My point was simply that using “make it harder to kill yourself” as a selling point for gun control is meaningless, and that there are other ways to kill yourself and take people with you, like a bomb, a bus, a plane, etc...

Dude...The way you wrote that, it looks like you are saying that 1) there were muskets during biblical times and 2) that the bible is shit. If you are referring to the constitution, then... well you are saying is shit so...

That is not.. but.. You didn’t see that movie, didn’t you?

There is no debate - in your mind - because you don’t even understand it.

And people who want to kill themselves easily should be stop because... killing yourself with a plane and all other passengers is way more satisfying. This is the worst, most moronic argument i have ever heard. Killing one self is a right, making it harder is not a plus.

I don’t have a gun, and i don’t want to have one, because i don’t know how to use it, but is crystal clear to me that the right to have one is fundamental, simply because we all have the right to defend ourselves as well as we can. if you don’t like guns, that is ok, but you can not force your ideas on others. In fact

Can say if you are trolling or serious...

The reasoning goes like this:

I live in Venezuela. Owning a gun legally is hard and they even if you do own a gun legally they are by law, forbidden almost everywhere. with only 30 millions inhabitants we are second only to Honduras in death by fire guns rate (We would probably be Numero Uno if the government didn’t doctored the numbers as much as

You poor optimist soul you. Religion is not on the way out, is just mutating. Look at all the crazy shit that people is starting to believe in the west from scientology to feng chui. East (Middle and Far) is a lost cause all together, and Africa, man Africa is everything that’s wrong with Christianity and Islam

No, freedom is about YOUR rights, not the content of the message. KKK are hateful bastards, but is not an illegal organization. If they come to your bakery to make a happy anniversary cake for their 100 years chapter anniversary (FUCK THEM), you can refuse to make it, not because they are bigots, but because your

This is not freedom of speech, is freedom in general. A person must not be forced to do something that goes against his/her personal believes, not perform a service for someone he/she doesn’t want to, regardless or the reason.

Watch ”Get the Gringo”. Bealieve it or not that is NOT an exagerated view of mexican prisons... or latinamerican ones in general. With enough money you can buy whatever you like... and by whatever i mean really whatever, even time out of the prison.

I can concede the point that Jesus is not a supernatural being. But him as an historical figure is not as disputed as some people may want it to be. I assume this post of yours is troll bait for religious zealots. Anyway is a profoundly ignorant posture. Flames will erupt either way, so mission accomplished.

The only part i would get rid off is the damaged tatto on the forehead. It somehow doesnt fit. The rest is ok to me.

sO.. fUCKING.. tRUE...

The real conclusion of that first study is that oenology class at the University of Bordeaux sucks big time. It is true that price doesn't translate to quality all the time, plenty of expensive wines ended up tasting "meh", while getting nice surprises for cheap ones. In my experience the best bet is the middle class

This is pure bullshit, if you truly believe this i feel sorry for you. Unless you are a troll, of course.

Ok, if you wrote this: "I suspect most people would, without hesitation, say that a developer should not be held accountable for the unhealthy habits a player forms...>>>>while ignoring that it's likely a game was built with the explicit purpose of being too compelling to put down.<<<<"... and dint realize how silly

I always count the money, even, no SPECIALLY, if its someone who i trust, because if there was a mistake, then that trust would/could be destroyed. But i am italian, so probably is actually the right "etiquette".