
Welcome to the wonderful world of compression and file splitting. Need to store those 4.7 GB of that illegal copy of Skyfall in this mobile storage for no other reason that you don't want to burn it to take it somewhere else? Split it in 249 MB pieces. It will even be more convenient for downloading that way.

mmm... those are more 1987 graphics than 1982...

Now that's a good point. With that info at hand the believes of Catholics on the matter of the use of pills can be challenged and the exception on health care has a chance to be lifted. Also if you read the first paragraphs it is clear that the scientific community actually believed that pill indeed had an abortive

Totally true, but irrelevant. On the field of religion is not what is fact or not, but what people believes that matters. A creationist can edit a Wikipedia article to include his crazy ideas of evolution and young Earth, while that makes the article erroneous it just shows that creationist believe well... what they

Yea, the word never was a little strong, but i am pretty certain on this particular point that it will not change. Heck i am willing to bet on women allowed to become priest or celibacy no longer mandatory for priest than this one, and those 2 are very, very unlikely.

You clearly didn't read my answer well. It is a question on who is forcing what on who. You see it as a religious group imposing their belief on you, while the church sees it as the government imposing their views on them. They are not against you receiving any kind of treatment, they are against being forced to pay

Cool down dude. I am catholic, but far from a "good" one. I do use condoms and my wife uses the pill. The wiki article clearly states that the possibilities of the pill acting that way are far from common, but if you are not satisfied ask a non catholic unbiased doctor if the possibility exist or not, go ahead do it,

Well, the reaction of most people is understandable, when you remove all the cultural and religious crap of the way all we are left with is the materialistic part, we are living creatures, and whether you acknowledged it or not, the only purpose of life is reproduction, heck, biologically speaking an animal has

Cause that is not the definition of toxic, to any degree. I call BS on this article central idea.

dude.. when has star trek about science fiction???

Before anyone points out that the article i mentioned (this one for the curious: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combined_oral_contraceptive_pill) clearly says that the primary methods by which the pill works are so effective that this other 3 are "RARE" and therefore contribute little to the overall effectiveness of

Well The pill DOES cause a chemical abortion. Here straight from wikipedia:

There lies the problem with your analysis, you do not understand the nature of the ban on contraceptives from the catholic side. It is not considered the same as abortion and it doesn't have to. Contraception is a NO for Catholics (theoretically), period, and they (The Church) will not pay for people to do it because

You fail most soundly.

WTF... I got some really strong "Left Behind" vibe from this crap-fest. I agree 90% with Ayn Rand POV. But this... this is... dang. How could they turn a interesting and introspective work of warning against the dangers of socialism into an action movie???

Wrong trope reference. this is not whitewashing. Whitewashing is when a story has ethnic diversity that is eliminated and replaced with white people for "unprecise" reasons. See link: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/discussion.php?id=uzj5b2kpceo5vpc98fjtxb8z

Andy Warhol would strongly disagree. If someone says something >anything< is art, then is art. You can love it, hate it, or go meh, but will still be art. For me this is meh. Also take into account that the particular angle, the moment, composition and a dozen other elements where chosen for each shot. Think about

Strictly speaking Source Code is not time travel... is just weird quantum yada yada. I did like it do.