Amazing. I hope such quality articles can still be produces for the paperless net we now have...
Amazing. I hope such quality articles can still be produces for the paperless net we now have...
BLASPHEMY!!! HE-MAN has no cape!!! Blasphemy I say!!!
You fool, Where are you going to put the sheath for your sword and the hook for your manly ax? Everyone know that swords must go in the back, because is 30.9 times cooler that on the side, ask any ninja.
Right on Stalin and Pol Pot, wrong on Hitler. There is no evidence that he was an atheist. For what is worth a couple of links:
That was not my point. The examples in your previous comment were bad because they missed the point. Is one thing to wear make up to modify you physical look to resemble someone else in your own demographic group (Kidman and Theron are both white females like the Wolf and "the monster") and another is to use said make…
You gave totally irrelevant examples.
I am not one of those green-overpopulation-is-evil freaks, i am one of the pragmatic no bs-justice-don't-waste-time ones.
Ok, i stand corrected. I have the bad feeling that sooner or later there will be a universe ### in which Wolverine is gay, and Cyclops doesn't suck... << shudder >> :p
There is no 10% change of anything.
Actually no, they are in the same level. BS is BS no matter how you disguise it, ask the chiropractor or homeopath closer to you.
That is irrelevant. She is not going to be put in some kind of hyper sleep or other sci-fi equivalent, they are just going to froze her corpse.
Keeping your remains iced for a few decades is as bad as being burned or rotting in the ground, It pretty much feels the same way, as you are... well dead. Only difference is that in this way resources that could be used to actually cure cancer are wasted in keeping a few pound of meat frozen for no good reason. Thing…
Very very few....
I have never heard that claim about organic food, only that was potentially healthier for not having chemical add ons.
This is BS. The tech is no proven and is there no guaranty that the preserved tissue will be in any shape to be healed or regenerated later.
wait a sec. isn't Colossus gay, or did i miss a universe reboot?
Why not simply build underground to begin with? Leaving only access entries on the surface?
So, french are rude... I would have never guessed it :p. Ok, seriously, i have never been in France but this is crazy.
Or, by default, since you are reading an article on line, you could, i dont know maybe search for it? like with google, bing or yahoo.
Dude... dont do that to yourself.. just get Ubuntu 10.10, it works like a charm. And with compiz you can make it fly graphics wise. I dont have a tablet so i dont care about a tablet OS. I will stay on GNOME 2 until they realize how off they are. I mean.. no min-max wndow??? wtf... No icons on the freaking desktop¿??…