Alex Beyer

Carefully left out from the report...they're only 38% sure they're right.

which (while it looks very cool), if actually submitted, would get tossed into the trash without being looked at.

I've always said the same thing.

Some lab just invented a way to move a small object over 2 centimeters intact. The idea is that like replicators, food would not have to be stored, just buffered, so you would just need physical memory instead of the meal itself. As I replied above, What if they kept Kirk in a buffer or copied it. and brought the

Batman is one of those comics where the hero is basically a villain and the villains are sympathetic. Harley Quinn is the best example because her story is so tragic. She's been abused, brainwashed, she basically has severe Stockholm Syndrome, her relationship with the Joker is seriously unhealthy and often not funny.

That looks like it would make a good Windows 8.1 pro tablet.

Why would you not put Windows on an x86 tablet? Honestly, wtf.

The tablet for folks with low expectations.

assholes like you are why the highway fucking sucks. "Oh I can handle it, I'm a good driver" nearly got me killed on the highway cause 2 assholes in ricers decided flying through traffic at 80+ when everyone else was doing 30. Fuck you and fuck everyone that thinks like you. You wanna race? Go to a fucking track and

Talent can't account for that slow car in the passing lane just over the next hill, or the semi not quite pulled over around the next blind curve. Keep it on the track. That's what they're for.

Someone with the talent to drive that fast knows it is stupid to do so on PUBLIC roads. There is a reason there are tracks. If you can afford a Lamborghini, you can afford track time. All the talent in the world can't control other drivers who may switch lanes in front of you because you're coming so fast they don't

208 on a public road, albeit a damn nice public road, and you say it's the talent?

I can't tell if you are being serious. If you are, you need to just completely recalibrate your thoughts. This guy wasn't going 100. He was going 208 miles per hour. Lack of talent? Really? Going 208 on a public road isn't inherently dangerous?

A talented person would be wise enough to never drive 200MPH on a public road. Too many unknows to be able to safely do that speed no matter what car was being driven.

Wow! I want this figure! If only I had $380 to waste spend on this...

Is it wrong of me to simultaneously feel surprised and disappointed that these shitheads survived? So that they can get their slap on the wrist because nobody else got hurt, and hey, nothing bad can ever happen to rich males?

Seems just like the military today. Hurry up and wait. Some things never change.

He looks really pissed.