
Ya know, I was on that early bandwagon too, and I've seen all the changes and all the objections to said changes...and I think to this date the one change they made that really just destroyed the experience has been removing status updates. That was one of the focal points of the 'book, and one of the main reasons why

I think the real shittiness here, though, comes from the fact that they first rejected him, saying "Nooo no, this isn't the kind of thing you can do here."....and then grabbed it, turned the other way and sprinted forward saying "Hey! Look what we came up with!"

And let me guess: this guy's new company is not only TWICE the business Google will EVER be, but it actually makes him laugh, doesn't sit around all weekend watching TV and ignoring projects around the house, and doesn't make him cry the way the old one did.

Well if worst comes to worst, at least we have The Geek Squad to help, thank God.

Awesome things out of Provo: Jimmer, and Devin Graham.

Just saw your comment—much appreciated!

@Kenton Sheely: I tend to agree: I know the line has to be drawn somewhere, but how much do we know about the process already?

The Jon Hamm thing really did it for me, Biddle.

@ryusen: Same here; cyclists have the reputation they do for a reason, even if all of them aren't as bad as the others. So many of them run stop signs, lights, ride in the middle of the road at a fourth of the speed limit, ride across intersections, etc. And as a pedestrian, they completely fail to respect you as

@jpdes90210: ***Now You Know Who I Did Last Summer

This should be in Australia.

@Andinator: In my head they totally do.

@Pyrotechnics: Uhhh...Apple...the gadget???? company?

Jesus, let's set aside whatever little spat we might have had the other day with our collective acknowledgement of Lady Gagagarbage being exactly what she is.

@Steven Callas: He's called me an "assclown" before for maturely and calmly defending my point — that's what the nose on my picture is for. I'm simply pointing out the irony/hypocritical nature of this. The tea is calling the kettle black, but apparently he's not okay with that.

Yh Jss, ll ths stpd mrn kds wth n ss wth thr frntl lbs nd DD. Myb y shld knck th kds/ppl tht cn hlp t. r jst lrn th bss bhnd wht th hll y'r tlkng bt bfr pstng t s n rtcl n wll-knwn, ft-vstd st.