Richard Haight

The extra commission was a given considering the extra time it took him to dream up all those bogus add-ons.

I’m surprised no one mentioned that the state sales tax in NJ is 6.625%. Where in the hell did this crook get 8.88%??? Did he think it would bring the buyer good luck?

The Sheehy dealerships are pretty infamous. Funnily enough, I spend some time in Maryland and am acquainted with one of the Sheehy family members. That particular person is about as much of a prick as you’d expect.

So just say “no”. Every toddler knows how to do it - channel your inner 2yo. I am VERY upfront with these guys - “I am not buying ANY extras, you can save your breath even telling me about them”. Plus “I have my own financing that you are welcome to beat, and no, I won’t tell you what my rate is other than that it is

I was once on a plane where the person at the exit row window got in an argument with a flight attendant as to whether he should throw the window out or place it on the seat (he argued for the former). He backed down when the FA threatened to re-seat him but for the remainder of the flight told me and anyone else who

last flight i was on had a billion year old woman who was held together by flower print sitting in the exit row and her ass didnt need to be there. they need to make sure the people in the exit row can do the job if needed.

Im pretty sure she morphed into a 5 foot nothing tall man and was on my flight yesterday. same result- get off or get arrested. luckily, he got off this time. but not before throwing a little gnomish hissy fit.

Well, she was right- you can’t save someone on a plane that you’ve just been kicked off of!

Well I would say if the rest of the passengers are pushing and shoving in the aisle and not letting a mother and child take their turn, then why not let them climb over? If people are being considerate, then climbing over is actually more difficult than just walking around the seats.

Assist in opening the emergency door. Where has it ever said you’re responsible for saving anyone or anything when assigned an exit row seat? And if Window Wendy can’t figure it out within a few milliseconds during an emergency, I’m stepping over her to get that door opened.

You are not only notified you actually pay a premium as well. 

I laughed wayyyy too hard at this.  Star for you.

The best part was that guy she hit was a million mile passenger. It was his Million Mile flight, and his birthday!

I bet on her next flight even if she doesn’t check her bags she’ll definitely check her attitude before getting on the plane!

Yes, you absolutely are warned about the exit row requirements and limitations at booking. If the seat is assigned at the airport, the agent will also make sure that you acknowledge that. And even once you have the boarding pass and are boarding the airplane, when they scan the pass it is flagged and you have to

Sure, just add to the charge of battery. Some people are too dumb to believe. 

This idiot does know that the door doesn’t magically slam shut after one person uses it, right? Everyone else can just... Follow you out.

I can’t speak for every airline, but I fly a lot and when I’ve chosen exit row on websites, apps and airport check in kiosks, I’ve always had to click an acknowledgment of my responsibilities and ability to carry them out. They also ask when I scan my boarding pass at the gate. All of that happens before I sit down

As she was unwilling to help others off of the plane, others decided to help her off the plane.

I love it when sociopaths get arrested.