
this comment is an extremely artful humblebrag. bravo, sir.

Perhaps someday Beyonce will truly stun the world by putting on a pair of slacks and using her vocal gifts to deliver a real transcendent musical moment. But until then, I guess we’re stuck with her usual routine, which is spasmodically jerking her ass around while her army of delusional fans squeal about how

In some parallel universe, the end of Super Bowl 50 is a heartwarming affair, with an aging legend riding the

I turned on the local am sports radio show this morning and it was just a series of highly sexual moans and grunts interspersed with words like “Cam” and “he just didn’t want it” and “everything on the table” and “gave up on his team.” When the radio host said what I think was “not a true leader” he screamed in

Tavarish, I agreed almost entirely with your post, which is crazy because you’re generally more full of shit than a construction zone porta-potty.

Yeah... the California is not ugly all. THIS is what an ugly car looks like...

There goes his passenger floorpan.

Dean Chenoweth died when this boat flipped over at speed:

Eli would like to thank Danny for once again reminding us that he will never be the dumbest motherfucker that played QB for the Giants.


I wish I were making this up. I had to get my wife and daughter to a safe place out of fear for their lives.

whoa there. I didn’t realize I was on Jezebel when I posted.

Those men just want to fuck each other so bad.

The echo chamber of Doug DeMuro’s fanboys in the comments is so unbearable these days. No wonder you picked the first comment for COTD. I can’t get much further than that either.

Stupid. Just stupid.

Excavator be like:

Could we have an actual discussion, maybe? Wouldn’t it be more helpful to explain to people who might not understand how this is not an appropriate way to draw attention to a worthy topic? Instead of mocking and condemning dogmatically, could we explore the ways that this cause could be better served, and educate one

She needs to raise awareness for African wildlife next!