
This should really be maximum Bob Lutz

That’s why they’re saying it won’t be much delay.

Yes. August is generally the month where manufacturers will schedule plant shutdowns for retooling and maintenance. After the shutdown, the vehicles produced are for the next model year.

“Ford looking into using Agave derived bioplastic to shed weight from cars”

“Ford wants to use tequila to make you cars . . . not actual tequila, but something loosely related to tequila.”


Wouldn’t they just send the customer to a dealership that is certified for GT sales? That is what I figured at least, they’d just send them to a dealership they are friends with, and who knows, maybe get a small consulting commission if one actually sells.

It has more to do with servicing a an exclusive super car at the same dealerships that handle repairs on 03' Focuses. All it takes is one overzealous shop worker with an impact gun or a shop runner getting their hands on the keys for a joyride for Ford to have an expensive and embarrassing lawsuit on their hands.

I was playing this shit before your 10 year old was alive, so frankly Pat, I don’t give a damn.

Why can’t people young or old enjoy a game?

The racing has been pretty solid this year. Even Mercedes has been challenged some. But after them it’s tight up and down the field.

Huh? Take Hamilton and Rosberg out of the equation and you get much better racing IMO

Just F1 being F1.

The rest of Gawker can go to hell. I really hope the bankruptcy and sale can spin Jalopnik off to a different platform, and get away from the shitshows known as Gawker & Kinja.

It almost seem irresponsible to call something that isn’t an autopilot system a autopilot mode.

Chris Harris’ segments is the cop out easy answer but everybody knew he was going to be great. I’d say the most surprisingly great bits of new Top Gear for me was Rory Reid’s stuff including Extra Gear. I hadn’t seen any of his youtube videos and was pleasantly surprised. LeBlanc was good too.

You never had to.

I’m somehow much more inclined to think the truck driver may have mistaken an audiobook for a movie. (And also think the truck driver may have been trying to find something to blame)

Totally agree, especially on Chris Harris. My favorite part was Matt making the Brexit = laxative joke about Eddie. The look on Harris’s face cracking up was the best.

I actually REALLY enjoyed this episode. I know Evans sucks, but the rest of the cast is really getting pretty good. If only we could get Matt Leblanc to act a bit more natural during studio recordings, that would be almost perfect. It was fun. Just fun.