
Texans don’t want to pay for roads (or anything else) so we end up with toll roads. Personally, I’m in favor of well-planned and appropriately priced toll roads because it fits the basics of supply and demand - you want to use this road, you pay for it. Problem is that TX toll roads, from what I’ve seen in the

It’s pretty heavily used during rush hour for people going from RR/Pf/Hutto to downtown. It backs up regularly as you get closer to the airport. That said, it becomes a ghost town north of Hutto and south of COTA/45.

Because everything is “insane” or some other exaggeration to Jalopnik.

Posh to a Jalop writer, maybe?

What does central locking mean in the context of a motorcycle? And power windshield?

Would building a fence made from random body panels collected from local junk yards bring this into compliance? Because that’d be my solution as a big middle finger to the neighbor.

But how did you get all the glitter out of the car?

Sometimes I get the feeling that Jalopnik is the red-headed step child of the Gawker family.

I believe you have to do it within double the time of the class winner which would be about 6 minutes.

Do you think you’ll be able to leverage your Indy 500 win against a full time F1 seat for either Manor or another team next year? Would love to see you drive for Haas but I think both drivers there are under contract for a couple years.

You must not be from Austin. Austin’s cab situation is atrocious and very underserved. Good luck getting a cab to actually pick you up within an hour on a Friday or Saturday night.

More gears means the transmission is better able to keep the engine RPMs in the sweet spot for either power or efficiency. CVTs are best at this since they’re infinitely variable however they’re also not very strong so they make a poor choice for trucks/SUVs.

I’m not sure what the official plan is should Verstappen (age 18) podium in Austin but in Texas it’s legal for minors to drink if they’re in the presence of their parents/guardian/of-age spouse. Since Jos (Max’s father) goes to all his races then it shouldn’t be an issue for him to partake in the podium champagne as

Not a spyder but it was in an open area with the door fully open.

I had no problem getting in/out of a 4C and I’m pretty tall. It’s nothing like getting in/out of a Lotus which requires me to put my hands on the ground and pull myself out of the car.

Yes he is. I assume all Brits are raging internally at that.

@4:00 - Marine tries to open the door. Vietnam hits the unlock button and Marine tries again at the same time. Repeat embarrassing number of times.

I don’t know how but I do know that both Saturn and Scion used this business model for their entire lifespan and quite a lot of people liked it.

Great fit on those helmets. I also wonder how nervous balls-on-the-fender dude is.