"Bread, Bread, Bread," said Bread.

Imagine a player with the head of a very smart kind of elephant and the body of, well, also an elephant but FAST! Now imagine a man who is half goat and he has hooks for hands. That’s crazy! Why not? Why can’t I have hooks for hands and live in the sewer? I’m just saying there’s no real reason why not. Cam Newton. Tom

Last time a Kizer talked this big, the rest of us got drafted.

i’ll float the idea around a few of the other kinja sites, we’ll see if it holds water.

Hernandez learned everything he knew about the Bible from Tim Tebow, which explains why his understanding of it was incomplete.

or should I say hang on to him

You should hold on to him. I here he’s a real sleeper this year.

Wouldn’t the CHANGE in earnings compared to required debt be a more useful comparison? For the sake of argument, if you’re already earning $120,000 and your income becomes $127,000 with an MBA, then this ratio doesn’t help much in terms of “is the degree worth it?”.

Just claim you were really a Tony Snell fan all along.

Bulls fan here. Got room on that wagon for one more?

I love the username. It makes me picture an 8-year old Jeff Van Gundy, already bald and looking overly sullen, sitting at the family kitchen table with an empty plate in front of him and holding a knife in one hand and a fork in the other while an obese 10-year old Stan Van Gundy shovels food into his gaping maw. If

Is it because you are alive when they start to eat you?

I swear that if that happens I will sit through the movie, probably enjoy it, and not really complain all that much!

It’s almost like they’re teasing you.

darn. I had Donald Glover.

I’m for ‘em!

I order those all the time, and I’m not even a member.


She was robbed. Everyone knows the Earth was created in 6 days about 6,000 years ago. So 75 million years ago there was nothing. And the closest thing to nothing is....the Timberwolves.

Attitude is everything. I remember I once saw my Quarterbacks head drop, just for a second, during a game. That second was enough, it was like a virus that infected the entire team. I just dropped my controller and walked away from the xbox.

At the very least the DH makes the two leagues different and adds an interesting element to interleague and World Series strategy. The NL adopting a DH is far more likely than the AL abandoning it. Suck it, purists and NL homers.