
I think that certain married men can find partners on Tinder. Sometimes a man looking for a fuckbuddy can be appealing to a woman as she also just wants a fuckbuddy and doesn’t want the man to get too attached.

The shoulder roll is certainly ridiculous, and the way he tackles this poor girl and repeatedly pushes her face into the ground is disgusting, but did you see the part where he actually pulls his gun on a couple of other kids just to shoo them away when they instinctively rush to her defense? The entire thing is like

What is it about the actions of the Democratic Party over the last 20 years that makes you think they’re capable of grand plans?

That’s what I was wondering. Full on life support, including a ventilator, is done for people who are effectively dead, and I can’t imagine they’d keep that going for a nonagenarian who was slipping away from natural causes. I’m thinking maybe she had a massive stroke and they had her on a feeding tube, maybe some

I feel the need to mention that my husband came to every appointment while I was pregnant. My doc did ultrasounds at every appointment and he didn’t want to miss anything.