
Why are you attacking these women that are spending their personal time and attention to try to help be a positive force among all this negative shit we are having to deal with now. If you don’t like this effort then find a better one to promote. Taking this as an opportunity to criticize white women as if we are all

Is it possible that the reason those mothers smoked pot was because they lacked impulse control and had visual and attention issues and their kids are just like them wether or not they smoked. I am ADD and I am a smoker. I quit while I was pregnant and my daughter, who is very intelligent, productive and was a

This reminds me of the trial of Colin Ferguson. He went on a shooting spree on a Long Island train, killing around 9 and injuring many more. That was in 1993. He represented himself and was able to question witnesses that he injured. It was a very sad story to read. He was black and was also racially motivated.