
God is the ultimate judge and He will make the ultimate determination. We can only do what we can on Earth. Until such time as we stand before Him, we just have to do what we feel is right. I don’t think going around murdering people is right, but I don’t feel bad for wanting unrepentant and evil beings sent to His

*Shrug* If you want to think I’m a scumbag, so be it, just think I’m a scumbag without your hand in my wallet.

Nope. I put money into a big pot, part of that pot goes to PP, thus I have funded PP.

Matthew 15:3-4, when confronted by the Pharisees, “But He answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.”

Later, Paul wrote: “For if I be an offender,

No, the courts should not handle the issue. The legislative process should handle the issue. If the people said they didn’t want taxpayer funded executions, I would accept it, then, again, continue to work to change minds. Just like currently, the legislative process has said that PP is funded, and again, I’m working

As I said, I think Jesus preached forgiveness of sins to those who repent. I also know that I am an imperfect being, and so I can’t follow 100% in His footsteps.

If a murderer seeks true forgiveness, I would be more willing to forgive and oppose the death penalty for them in that case. If they aren’t penitent, then I

If they want to go through the legal system to see it changed, they should feel free to do so. That’s one of the great things about this country, that we have processes and procedures to change things to fit the will of the people.

So here’s an interesting thing, you seem to be indicating that I can’t track where my taxes are going.

...Thank you for proving my point about the fungibility of money.

Where did He specifically and explicitly denounce the death penalty? You may recall the story of the adultress, and how the crowd wanted Him to condemn her to death by stoning? He never specifically said “No, death is wrong,” He just reminded them that everyone is a sinner at times, and refused to condemn her.

And yet,

Apparently unlike you, I’m able to separate my religious feelings and my political beliefs. I think lots of things are bad, but don’t necessarily want the government to regulate based on them. I think adultery is bad, but I don’t want the government to outlaw it. I think abortion is wrong, but I don’t necessarily want

When does “a clump of cells” get the right to life? Can you tell me a point you’d be willing to accept that something becomes a human baby, subject to laws prohibiting murder?

Funny you say Ireland given that they just elected their youngest PM ever who happens to be gay. But “just get over it?” So, do you think once something’s been codified in law, it’s immutable forever and ever, and we shouldn’t work to change that which we think should be changed?

No, I’m in favor of the death penalty, and I think the system is rather flawed by giving so many appeals when the guilt is readily apparent. Further, all you should need is a few feet of rope, not fancy special drugs.

OK, so let’s set a standard as to when a “zygote” becomes a “baby.” What’s your starting offer?

Are you not able to voluntarily use your apparently vast sums of money to support them yourself, and NEED a middleman by the name of Uncle Sam?

Do you use the roads at all? As soon as you say no, sure, I’ll go for you not having to pay for them.

...No? I am opposed to the practice of abortion because of religious and moral reasons, but even beyond that, again, I think we should be rid of government subsidies, period. Not that hard to comprehend.

Did I rape her? No? Then no. Beyond that, while rape is indeed horrible, and is one of the reasons I’m on the fence enough not to want to outlaw abortion altogether, you should consider the baby. I remember a story of I believe 3 women who had been imprisoned and raped by a man for 10 years. One came out of captivity

For one, because many (myself included) feel that it is akin to murder, two, it’s a form of a subsidy, and three, why should my tax dollars go to someone else’s bad life choices?