
FF, you might also try checking out fetlife. It’s a site that is centered around people’s various fetishes (it may have some of the things you say aren’t quite your thing, so keep that in mind). In particular, you might find a group in your area that gets together for various events (one in my area does rope tying

Indeed. I love the Elcor, Bioware’s tribute to HK-47 in Mass Effect!

Slight change, in number one everyone assumes that the Protheans were indeed the ones who created the mass effect relays/citadel/etc, but I’m pretty sure at the end of it (or definitely during number 2 somewhere) it’s revealed that, no, they were just the latest in a loooooong line of ones to stumble across it

Indeed, how dare they, given that it’s nowhere to be found in the Constitution.

Those aren’t Ghosts, they’re landsharks!

Government shouldn’t be funding video games anyway.

Alternate, “The Botox craze of the 2000's irreversibly altered humanity’s DNA to have extremely plastic-like skin where displaying emotion became too difficult.”


Watching the 20min video posted yesterday, I thought that your Pathfinder had a perpetually “surprised” look to him. That or stoned, not sure which.

Freeman is fourth on your list. There have been four games (HL1, HL2, Ep 1, Ep 2). HL3 confirmed!

*Rolleyes* And you still try to spend your time WhiteKnight™ing and VirtueSignal™ing people you claim are “trolls.”

And yes, I will defend the right of Nazis to spew their stupidity, so long as it’s done peacefully. Heck, I tolerate yours too, don’t I?

Number 3 is spot-on. That was the main reason I didn’t vote Trump, because I wasn’t convinced he’d follow the Constitution. Too many people think that overreach is good so long as it’s “their guy” in office, not realizing that the balance WILL shift eventually, and what you do now basically gives them a pass to do

‘Dat Scottish accent. I know who my favorite side character will be!

She “got her hands” on a return that the Wall Street Journal talked about last year. Sounds like she’s late to this party.

Item durability in general in games I dislike. I get it in MMOs, but other games...just a time sink and doesn’t add a fun factor to me.

Now playing

Nope, you’re missing Battlefield: The Franchise Wars!

It’s more pen-and-paper, but depending on your DM/group’s preferences battles may have board elements. It’s a very role-playing game. So, like if your group decides “We want to go investigate the nearby cave,” you don’t move physical pieces on a board from “Town” to “Cave,” but once you get there, the DM might draw a

My DM just pointed out that they’ll charge you for all the different books and content, which’d make sense except he’s already made the investment for the hardcover stuff so doesn’t want to be charged AGAIN.

I’m reminded of...I think it was the Aerosmith arcade game, where if you hit Start without inserting a coin, a woman stated “You wanna play? Gotta pay!”