
Hrm, ok, yeah that’s bad. But I am not a big-L libertarian. For instance, as I mentioned I support Liberland. They are seeking to provide a good balance. It’s not “pure” libertarianism, but a lot closer than what we have today. But, for instance, they do feel that protecting kids is important, so the scenario above

Where the hell did you get that from? If anything, that sounds like either an argument for abortion, or something that comes from Venezuela.

Violence != free speech.

“Better in every way” and you include violence as being better?

...And you wonder why Trump won.

People dragged through the mud for not supporting an opinion 100% while trying to make a reasonable response?

I can relate, just from my experiences here >.>

Making a post about me not providing evidence....without providing evidence. Irony hits you for 1d4 facepalm damage.

I will definitely agree with you that an unfortunate number of “conservatives” seem to have forgotten our core values. However, some of us remain dedicated to them, to following the Constitution, separation of powers, etc.

Meanwhile, I’ll also point out that many so-called progressives are advocating fascist

Now playing

Pfft, everyone knows enemies aim for the shiny parts!

*Watches video* Hey that looks cool. *Sees it’s a PS4 exclusive* Well never mind then.

You can’t be prosecuted, but you don’t have to necessarily give the item back (you should, but don’t have to). For instance, if your ring is stolen, makes its way to a pawn shop, I buy it, and later we discover that it was stolen (but I’m not the thief), I don’t have to give it back to you. You can collect monetary

If you have reason to believe it’s an honest purchase, there are laws in place to protect you. If you buy a stolen car from a thief on the corner for cash, yeah you probably won’t be protected, but if it was the used car lot salesman who was the thief, who then sells you the car from his lot, you’re probably protected

Potentially, depends on whether he knew if it were stolen or not. If he did, a lot more likelihood for consequences than if he thought it was shipper’s error (which, given the nature of that “I got it early so let’s flip a profit” post, would could be used as a form of mens rea and thus more likely to face

My company’s CEO was busting ass for those long periods (~70/wk). He was recently lamenting the fact that his skin cancer treatments made him get too tired after about 40.

“non-MD phds that call themselves ‘doctor’.” Yeah, it’s not like they earned their degree, just like those CEOs didn’t earn their salary...

“I don’t see universal income happening in this country until AFTER the whole system falls apart.” I don’t see it happening in this country, period, because generally speaking, the ones who oppose it most are the ones who are better armed.

“ before the player can turn around and look at pamphlets for The All Stars Project of Chicago and Reclaim Our Kids. “

Going from what’s in the article, that did sound to be the goal. 

“white people and middle class people don’t need to do anything to help because it’s the imperative of the poor to fix their own problems.” You know the old saying, put your wishes in one hand, and shit in another, see which one fills up first? Sure it’d be nice if everyone pitched in, but let’s be honest, that won’t

Because if they’re trying to develop this game to raise awareness of their organizations that seek to bring change, then you need to present a clear and positive message. Basically, in the end, the only hand you can rely on is the one at the end of your own arm, so the game should emphasize the character working to

“feel like” being the key.

Depends on how the rest was framed. If he starts as a bad actor and realizes what detrimental impacts other bad actors have on him, and moves to become a positive influence, then definitely. But if he turns into just another GTA character, no.