
“white people and middle class people don’t need to do anything to help because it’s the imperative of the poor to fix their own problems.” You know the old saying, put your wishes in one hand, and shit in another, see which one fills up first? Sure it’d be nice if everyone pitched in, but let’s be honest, that won’t

Because if they’re trying to develop this game to raise awareness of their organizations that seek to bring change, then you need to present a clear and positive message. Basically, in the end, the only hand you can rely on is the one at the end of your own arm, so the game should emphasize the character working to

“feel like” being the key.

Depends on how the rest was framed. If he starts as a bad actor and realizes what detrimental impacts other bad actors have on him, and moves to become a positive influence, then definitely. But if he turns into just another GTA character, no.

“deliberately modeled to be a “good kid” who doesn’t succumb to stereotypes of blackness. He’s well-versed in black poetry, can quote Malcolm X at will, and respects his family. During a family dinner a character muses that kids these days don’t listen to their parents anymore, instead modeling their lives after

...You sure about mining the resource before plopping a district? I thought the district automatically mined the resource, or is that only for strategic ones? I know I’ve seen in some of my games when a district is down, and I learn a new strategic resource, if a district is there I start with access to it.

Toddler with a food cup is a WMD, good decision on their part! ;)

To be fair, there are some of us who say TSA is kabuki theater precisely because of concerns like this (well, in part, many other parts to that argument).

You can, it just can’t be liquid. My family’s done it since time immemorial.

“Barrel rolls go out of control” it reminded me of the Saints Row insurance fraud minigame.

“Cleaning up the mess left after President Trump...” *Sigh* Four more years of this sort of coverage. It’s going to be a long and bitter four years...

I had a giant kill a dragon for me. Taught me to stay well away from those brutes for a while :P

Heh, fair enough, though I would posit that while it might be more difficult to repeat troll a single person, unless you have some permanent linkage between a person and their actions and/or name, it wouldn’t actually be that hard. You point out that in Rust they could suicide and respawn. Isn’t in essence that what

“Rohrer hopes that, instead of trolling, this setup will encourage adults will nurture kids, and kids won’t turn around and knife their doting parents after ten minutes.” Hahaha, ah, he’s so naive :P

And I’d just as soon keep it that way, but I don’t deny that there are some countries (*cough* Saudi Arabia *cough*) which I think would also be deserving of extra scrutiny as well.

Not knowing what all they’re looking at, I can’t speculate on what they have or don’t, but given that today Assad claimed of course terrorists are getting through (though he considers any rebels to be terrorists so grain of salt), and Iran was changing Death to America in the streets, those two at minimum definitely

I want to have a reasonable confidence that they’ve been examined well. Remember, the seven countries Trump used were identified by Obama’s administration. The whole point is we can’t get reliable records from these nations.

Say I were to write a piece of paper, “RblDiver is a totally nice guy, you can trust him!” and

Because I feel that it is important for people to get more accurate info rather than sit in their echo chamber all day. I didn’t vote for him because I wasn’t convinced he’d follow the Constitution, but at the same time, I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and a chance. Too many people just want to burn

Depends on what “Muslim ban” you’re talking about. A ban on letting Muslims practice their religion? Unconstitutional. A ban on letting Muslims into the country? Arguable, since non-citizens aren’t subject to Constitutional protection before they arrive in the country.

You realize, it was the 9th Circuit, and A) they didn’t actually weigh on the merits of if it’s legal for him to do so or not (which of course when it ACTUALLY goes through they will again try to block it), but rather just didn’t put a stay on the lower judge’s decision, and B) they get overturned by the Supreme Court