Really Bad Kinja

About time, Jessica Simpson benched him long ago

I actually feel a little sorry for Tony Romo. 2010 me would be very angry.

At least Phil didn’t talk about LeBron having his Clan around.

This use of language is INSANE.

Yeah. How many times do you think Phil heard a player he was coaching refer to his friends/entourage/crew/squad as a “posse”? He’s just using older slang.

There are so many different spicy comments on this post, I love it. Mike Evans needs to shut the fuck up if he didn’t vote? You get a star! Mike Evans can register to vote in fucking Florida? You get a star! Mike Evans shouldn’t have to apologize to the military for something that is totally unrelated to the military?

This is like my protest of NFL games which only lasts for thursday nights

Little known Seahawks fan fact: The number 12 jerseys that their smug fans wear don’t actually mean the 12th man like they do at Texas A&M. It stands for the 12 jurors that will acquit anyone who punches people wearing those jerseys in the face.

Six beers? It’s out of touch liberal intellectuals like you that are the reason Trump won.

“The first shot I took was an airball.”


I’m sure this is indirectly the result of Trump winning. That will be Deadspin’s next story.

Things were looking up for him.

I haven’t needed or wanted my FB back since I shut it down 5 years ago. I miss nothing from it.

You mean that there was concern over a backlash if they continued the practice of ‘curating’ news to promote leftist and liberal narratives?

I thought I read an article once that was Pro Hillary but didn’t seem based in facts. Glad to realize now that only conservatives do these kinds of sneaky things and I must have been wrong!

This comment section should be an advertisement for Godwin’s Law.

A shame that he didn’t use the Sokratic method; pantsing today is so often about answers and not questions.

I like watching MMA, and you couldn’t pay me to go to a live event.

broke is not fun at all. it actually is bourbon btw, my spice rack is temp controlled, so i keep the bourbon there so it doesn’t get too hot or cold :)