Really Bad Kinja

Consider slingshot theory and maybe you win a Super Bowl

I think we all partly hated Romo because he’s a cowboy and just looks like an asshole. He himself has never done anything to be so hated.

Love a fan of a team that hasn’t won a playoff game since the Clinton years just assuming a SB run

So you’re saying they should have put the name of someone no one has ever heard of on the poster or that the poster should have featured Billy Zane?

*right to vote.

Always wondered why there was some connection between choosing your preferred plutocrat (ie voting) and exercising your right to free expression. Like, do you lose the right to a fair trial if you allow troops to quarter in your home in peacetime?

Well Harbaugh did for awhile. Oh wait, that’s not better.

Do people really ask you that or do you just tell them unsolicited?

I’d hope his thoughts were “I don’t want to turn this into a three point opportunity” rather than “I don’t want to get dunked on so I’m not playing defense.”

Oh for fucks sake, then explain Marvin Lewis’s continued employment you little stupid child.

In solidarity, the rest of the Bears are also not going to play anything resembling football the next four weeks.

Yes you should always default to lies and only speak truth when it’s prudent.

Little twits wetting their pants is the only good to come froM this dummy being elected. Seriously I hope most of you are in middle school if you are such fearful cowards.

You are a very dumb motherfucker.

Yes, I believe you. Your friend still belongs in jail.

He probably deserved it in a cosmic sense, but your friend belongs in jail.

I wonder if more people acknowledged that Trump supporters aren’t vile racists before the election, if they would have felt less galvanized and determined to vote in this dummy?