It sucks that you don’t post any more, I loved your comments
It sucks that you don’t post any more, I loved your comments
Can I just say how completely fucking bananas this whole thing is... I haven’t posted a lot lately because well, work etc but there are some commenters here who can be very mean and it isn’t normal to make another human being feel this awful about a website! People! WTF? I have been called some pretty awful things…
Despite multiple demonstrations and petitions everyone seems deaf to complaints about how this man raped a child and got away with it... my mind, it is blown
Not so much unfortunately
Plastic vomit or plastic dog poo
I met them both in 2002 and he was sober, she was really sweet and they seemed very much in love, he was also a really nice guy, so I understand why she married him and if he fell off the wagon and showed his true colours I also get why she left him 7 months pregnant.
There wasn’t that kind of play on words, balance is throw in French but it also means to tell all. Your pun is excellent btw.
Mine is 10 days after and as a kid I never celebrated so now I am an adult screw Christmas we are celebrating January 5th ! I am lucky that husband plays along and is a wonderful gift giver.
My mum had one of these and it made the best poached eggs, the do exist in a non stick version now.
I have a husband who is very hard to buy for, his birthday is a month before Christmas and this is his 50 th so I have asked all his friends for a keepsake (a note, a poem, a photo or whatever) to create a virtual memory book for him, he is a sentimental old bugger so I hope he likes it. For Christmas he gets an…
I think some can give you a nasty bite
Does this also count for Kardashians?, there seem to be far too many of them.
I even got bumped up to first class on a trip to LAX on British Airways from Paris (via London) it was the most fun I ever had on a plane. All the time I kept thinking, enjoy this because it will never ever happen again.
Paris Jackson looks lovely in that picture and that is all I have to say on this subject.
Me too, I work for a company that allows business class over 7 hour plane trips so enjoyed the high life on flights to Florida and California, otherwise I sit with the other poors in the back.
Business class hands out slippers
I am with you here, especially when they put their stinky gnarly feet on the armrest in front
Bring back blockbuster! Be kind, rewind.
Cue Trump making an inane, stupid and insulting tweet in 3,2 1....
What will she say now there in no more David!? Love those crappens guys, they cheer up my commutes no end.