
Are you calling me a liar? The Dutch police drew marks around the body in black marker and marks near the body because my grandfather died alone and his body was discovered over a week after he died, they considered it suspicious and there was an enquiry and an autopsy. They determined that he died of a heart attack

This is incredible, she is so articulate

I agree with the watch what crappens guys, Lydia is acting like a petulant teen to Shannon’s “mom” persona, it is hypocritical and plain dumb.

Every time....

Love every time.

This is good news for their mental and physical health and for their kids. Their marriage was so toxic.

I starred you because you made an interesting and compelling argument, you have nothing to apologise for btw.

What was nut cheese like? It sounds like something my brothers found hilarious when we were kids.

No probs, I do love Jamie nekkid, the man has lovely legs.

Not sure where you got that Rose Leslie is pro Brexit, I couldn’t find any reference to it anywhere and had never heard that before, she voted against Scottish independance but that doesn’t translate to pro Brexit.

Sorry but watching other people bone isn’t my thing, to each her own I guess. Also there was a bit too much sex for my liking, I get it they haven’t seen each other for 20 years but 40year old men rarely do an all- nighter.

I saw the episode and there is a LOT of sex, I even fast forwarded through some of it. It is nice to see them back together.

This is hilarious, that doggie looks so bewildered.

Ramona and Vicki! That I would pay to see, I hate them equally. I am liking Kelly more although she does seem deranged and Meghan is plain boring, Tamara is an evil hypocritical witch but she should ease off on the Jesus shit, it gets old, not all their audience is into religion. On the whole I am glad Jersey is back

I am getting a little annoyed with OC, Lydia is an awful, stupid woman and Peggy is annoying and as much as I love Shannon her shit is dark this season. Also Icki Vicki needs to go...

OMG this! And she was an English major?? Is she faking it or is she really that obtuse?

Trip advisor has never let me down. Have fun in Blighty!

Not listening to the voiceovers because that little girl is too cute! And Jake ain’t bad either.

Sara Sampaio should fire her agent, Lui is a soft porn mag so the cover would have def been nude and her agent should have known that.

Now I really want to taste peanut butter Twix ! Is this really a thing and why don’t we have it in Europe?