
The one thing that most people complain about Casino Royale is one of my favorite parts of the movie: the fourth act. We get to the point where the villain is dead, and the film should be wrapping up, but then there's an entire act left to the story. Films have taught us to expect a tight three act structure, so when

This is dumb.

Season two was a complete mess, but I've seen worse seasons of television (that got better public receptions even), and since this is an anthology show, there's no reason why they couldn't have a third season. I never understood why one mediocre season should derail the series.

Do the right thing, Hollywood, and finally get started on those Willow sequels!

I actually think he was a stronger candidate than people take him for. I'm from Ohio, and I know plenty of Republicans who sat out the election or cast third party votes who said they would have voted for Bernie. I currently live in Massachusetts, and on my walk to the train every morning I see a car with a Scott

You make some interesting points. I do think the tu quoque fallacy has become a favorite of the right. Trump's entire defense these days is to perform whataboutism in order to improbably try to bring things back to Clinton.

That quote by Trey is hilariously self aggrandizing. I intermittently watched the show for a number of years before I got tired with its empty nihilism. But I haven't thought about it in some time, and I'm sure that's true for most people. I don't think most people give much thought to a comedy show that's well past

This isn't a fair or accurate reading of the above article. O'Neal is clearly uncomfortable with the impact South Park has had on internet culture, but he's also clearly a fan. He's not "ripping on South Park" so much as he's exploring the legacy of the show, which he suggests that the creators themselves are

As much as liberals get accused of getting too tangled up in identity politics, I actually think conservatives have cornered the market on identity politics. For conservatives, identity politics is less about creating an inclusive space for minority groups as it is pitting rural middle America against those so-called

I'm beginning to doubt Game of Thrones's dedication to verisimilitude.

I can't think of another American director who has sustained a career like Jim Jarmusch has without getting a mainstream hit. Even David Lynch has films like The Elephant Man and Twin Peaks on his resume.

I watched Okja on Friday and really enjoyed it. I'm hoping that Netflix uses its resources for good and continues to give money to innovative directors like Bong Joon-ho. I enjoyed seeing Jake Gyllenhall go full Nic Cage in his role. One thing that surprised me was that the animal rights activists were treated as

I like Stranger Things just fine, and I think it's one of Netflix's best shows. However, I do think it's wildly overrated. Again, I like the show, and I think it's a well crafted mash up of Spielberg and King. But last year Jeff Nichols, a genuine auteur put out Midnight Special which borrowed from Spielberg but

I never read the book, but the descriptions make it sound terrible. I don't know why Spielberg wanted to waste his talents on it.

The most unrealistic thing about this trailer is that the kids would get that far in the arcade version of Dragon's Lair.

My nerdy complaint is that the design of the ship and technology feel really out of place if the show is only supposed to take place ten years prior to the original series. Even the rebooted films did a great job of both mimicking and updating that 60s aesthetic. I don't know why they couldn't do something similar.

At what point did New York as a city become so goddamn boring?

That would be a shame because having a slightly older and experienced Batman with some history behind him was one of the better ideas from Bat v Supes. Affleck was even pretty good in the part.

The biggest sin of the Spawn movie was that it ruined Michael Jai White's chances of helming big budget action films. He's done some great direct to video work, and Black Dynamite is awesome, but he really deserved to be the next Van Damme or Stallone.

Hasn't he been trying to make another Spawn movie for the last twenty years? Maybe the character should stay in the 90s?