
Boardwalk Empire was great when it wasn't trying to be more than an extended 1930s gangster movie that could show more blood and nudity. But damn if that show wasn't hell bent on becoming a boring character study.

Sure, but I have no clue if that's what's happening. We're getting one side of the story, and while I don't doubt Kai is expresses how she experienced these events, it's clear that she was not present when this was going down. If one of the women Whedon cheated on his wife with stepped forward, then that might be

This reminds me of the controversy around that Confederacy show, which was denounced across the board despite the fact that it doesn't even exist yet.

It depends on the details of the situation. Even after reading the letter, we know very little, and that's if we take everything at face value. (And I'm inclined to believe the broad strokes of what Whedon's ex-wife alleges). And I think you should be pretty certain of some pretty damning facts before labeling someone

"women who themselves are making a choice to fool around with a married man"

As about a million other people have mentioned, just because you cheat on your wife doesn't mean you somehow aren't a feminist. This seems obvious. But what really bothers me about this whole issue is the sort of internet group think that's already happening. You take someone's personal failing and then from there

Kai Cole watched from behind a crowd of entertainment journalists as they hounded her ex-husband, Joss Whedon. She smirked ever so slightly as the harried TV show writer and producer struggled to make his way to his limo. She swung around triumphantly and strode down the street, taking one last glance behind her

This sounds totally wizard.

I always think of Pratt as the less versatile of the Chrises. He's good at playing a goofball, but he can't really go beyond that role.

Roger Ebert once said, "It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it." The same can be said about this TV show. The topic can be done well or it can be done poorly. But I'm not going to say that the subject or premise is completely forbidden.

I still don't understand the automatic backlash against a show that doesn't even exist. In a world where people are literally killing others to preserve the the symbols and ideals of the Confederacy, a show that reveals the Confederacy as a nation built on slavery and white supremacy might actually do some good. A

So, basically, it would be a show about a world where Hilary Clinton was elected president?

If a Breaking Bad knock off like Ozark can get a second season, then MST3K better get renewed.

Maybe if they used a picture of Emily Blunt as the queen in The Young Victoria?

You're just not a smart person, are you?

I'm really pissed about the cancellation of Marco Polo. Now I'll never know what happened to the Mongolian Empire.

I'm torn between the fact that there's really no reason I shouldn't sit down and watch a James Cameron film that also happened to be a cultural juggernaut during my early teens and my naturally stubborn personality.

Complaining about the next generation goes back to Plato, at the very least. It's so hackneyed, and yet people can't stop doing it.

Twin Peaks: The Return is hardly perfect, but it is unique television. It's also the only current TV show that I'm actually excited to sit down and watch each week.

"There were, of course, those for whom not seeing it became a badge of honor."