
I had a friend in high school who was way too into pop punk, so I bought a number of albums by pop punk bands over the years. The formula eventually became tiresome, and I haven't listened to most of these bands in years.

James's song has always been cool.

I've go my front row tickets for the Halle Berrissance.

I'm surprised Kidnap did that well. Halle Berry's last child in danger flick, The Call, also did surprisingly well, if I remember correctly. She could probably star in a bunch of modestly successful low to mid budget thrillers if studios were interested.

Please shoot me now.

I took that as ironic, but who the fuck knows these days!

I wonder if the 90s will be the last decade we will be fully nostalgic for. Once you get into the 21st century, thanks to the internet the monoculture starts to splinter, and we don't have the same shared cultural experiences anymore. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. I would have loved to have made it through the

I had no clue that Pat was such a beloved SNL character around these parts.

The character I want to see die a violent death has progressed as follows: Joffrey Baratheon, Ramsey Snow, and now Bran Stark.

It's more like a 1950s B-movie infusion. But I didn't expect them to completely change up what an Indiana Jones movie looks like. I'll allow it.

I started the weekend with 21 Jump Street: The Movie. It was a funny and clever bromance. These Lord and Miller people might be going somewhere.

How in the world did that come up in conversation. Were you trying to save Tony Orlando's house or something?

I can only imagine being a woman working at Google who worked her ass off to get there and then having some asshole basically tell the entire company that women are biologically inferior at this job.

I've only watched the first two episodes, and there's a lot of setup (as well as a handful of good gags). I noticed that each episode is only about twenty-five minutes instead of First Day of Camp's thirty minute run time, and for whatever reason this makes these early episodes seem really short.

If you're so curious ,then you should click on my ad, "Hollywood won't cast Janeane Garafalo anymore. You won't believe the reason why!"

The trailer for this movie reminded me of the Dolph Lundgren Masters of the Universe and other 80s fantasy movies that take place mostly in the "Earth realm" because building sets is expensive.

I see where you're coming from, and I would be lying if I said that part of me does not wish we could spend more time in Twin Peaks itself. But at the same time, you have Lynch doing his own thing. Once again, Twin Peaks is like nothing on television. The new season isn't perfect, but it is unique in today's

I like it when shows take their time. That was also a virtue of Lost. With television, you have more room to breathe, so why not take advantage of that.

My thought exactly!

It is unintentionally hilarious that Indy kills like five of those Brotherhood of the Cross guys, and the afterwards their leader is like, "Sure, I'll help you out. Your father is being held by Nazis in an old castle."