
I think what I enjoyed most about Spicey was that his attempt to project himself as an alpha male could never obscure his inner desperate used car salesman.

Oh, absolutely. And the point of much of this research is that you can't rely on economics to reject slavery. Instead, you need the language of morality and human rights to push back against these extreme versions of capitalism.

From my reading, there's been a shift on how we understand the economics of slavery. There was a pretty common argument that slavery just didn't make good economic sense because slaves aren't working for their own benefit. Adam Smith makes this argument in Wealth of Nations. Even slave owners of the South argued that

The Half Has Never Been Told by Edward E. Baptist.

Actually, a lot of recent scholarship has suggested that slavery was an economically efficient system, so there's no reason why the Confederacy wouldn't continue the practice for centuries onward.

I find the fact that you referred to these two as the "greatest show runners in the history of television" far more offensive than the premise of their new TV show.

I find the fact that you referred to these two as the "greatest show runners in the history of television" far more offensive than the premise of their new TV show.

So they're "asking audiences to wait until the show premieres in order to judge it on its own merits"? Do these people even know what the internet is?

So they're "asking audiences to wait until the show premieres in order to judge it on its own merits"? Do these people even know what the internet is?

"This guy has at least two DUIs!"

Exactly. This is why an alternative histories like the Game of Thrones guys are proposing actually might be a good idea.

I disagree with a lot of this article, but I'll just briefly focus on the idea that with the exception of those extremists who wear white hoods and burn crosses, everyone agrees that the Confederates were the bad guys. You just need to look at the controversies surrounding the removal of Confederate statues to see

But now you're just being ridiculous.

Of course she can. She's a Clevelander.

Rises is a disaster. But I'm willing to forgive Nolan his missteps because he's one of the few auteurs who can get a studio to cough up major cash to fund his particular vision.

I still think Memento is number one. Prestige is probably the runner up and then I'll put Inception in third place. That film grew on me after I got a little distance from the hype. Interstellar is easily at the bottom.


It'll be a true crime podcast about real teen wolves, obviously.

I think the time is ripe to bring back the 17th-century masque. If Teen Wolf plays its cards right, it could be on the bleeding edge of a new trend.

How is this not an Onion article?