
It's funny how that's so often the case when it comes to Republicans doing the right thing. There was a former Representative, I believe, who railed against Obamacare while in the House, but after he left, he actually needed it for a while and this changed his mind. It's like they're incapable of imagining how other

I believe the revival was a big ratings hit. So, basically, money.

McCain has hardly been a paragon of virtue, but he's had his moments. I give him credit for clearly denouncing torture during the Republican presidential primary debates. But regardless of politics, I feel bad he has to go through this.

Wasn't the version from the 90s supposed to be good? I never got around to seeing it. If so, then three out of four solid movies isn't a bad ratio when it comes to adaptations and remakes.

This does not bode well for Cop Car 2 (likely title: Cop Cars).

There's something about John Carpenter's films that make them immensely rewatchable. Likely, it's because they're so economical.

He was good when they treated Pablo as the villainous sociopath he was. But I really couldn't care less about Pablo Escobar's daddy issues.

You forgot to push up your eye glasses before making that statement.

If the government had hired Crash Override instead of sending to jail at such a young age, our IT security would be light years ahead of the rest of the world by now.

Actually, now that you mention it…

What unabashed enthusiasm. Are you sure you're in the right place?


What's Terrence Howard? Chopped liver?

The second half of season two gets really bogged down in a Pablo Escobar "character study" that's not nearly as interesting as the writers think it is.

I'm excited for another season of wasted potential.

People are reappraising Hook? I must have missed that, thankfully.

Yeah, and why didn't Bran and Rickon ever run into Tom Bombadil?

The Disney Aladdin certainly isn't.

But that's in the second part of the op-ed, which I do think is kind of dumb. He starts off by talking about ways in which the upper middle class and wealthy garner systemic benefits that aren't available to the poor and working class. And then he loses this reasonable point with a dumb anecdote about scary sandwich

I guess casting Indian actors as Arab characters is progress?