
So this is kind of like when salmon swim upstream to spawn, right?

But without St. Elmo's Fire the world wouldn't know anything about the trials and tribulations of being yuppie scum.

I think this is a case where you think that just because you are not aware of something somehow means everyone else isn't. PWR BTTM aren't some ultra obscure band. They were up and comers who were ready to become more popular when their second album hit, but now their career has imploded. My guess is that anyone who

"You're probably joking"

This is a strong argument, and I like that they give an alternative to simply "not giving Alex Jones a platform," which also doesn't seem to be working.

I wasn't against Maher having Milo on because I thought Maher would stand up to him. Instead, he basically gave Milo a tongue bath. That interview had nothing to do with Milo's downfall. It was the fact that people suddenly realized that he endorsed pedophilia that did him in.

I actually don't think it's an inherently bad idea to interview terrible people like Alex Jones, since with the internet these people can get their message out there anyway. The trick, though, is actually pushing these people on their dangerous beliefs, which I'm not convinced Kelly can do.

Yeah, but you're not the first to mention "All Star"

You are a truly stupid, stupid person.

I'm sensing a pattern. Something to do with Smashmouth?

I find "Sex and Candy" innocuous, but the others are good candidates for worst song. And yet, I still don't think they're worse than "Breakfast at Tifany's."

The first video games I got into were adventure games, which are basically the only genre I still play.

I know this sounds weird to write in 2017, but the thing that drew me to video games was the narrative. I liked being a part of a well crafted story. Focusing on multiplayer meant there was less of an emphasis on that aspect of video games.

I don't play many games any more for lots of reasons. But the move to make multiplayer the focus of gaming at the start of the century is one of the things that pushed me out. Besides, I kind of think this whole video game thing is just a fad.

What song from the 90s is worse than "Breakfast at Tifany's"? I'm seriously at a loss. I once walked out of a store because the song started playing over the speakers.

I'd like to nominate "Breakfast at Tifanys" as the worst song of the 90s.

They do this all the time, but if you don't speak zombie it just sounds like "Grrrr, arghhhhh."

I'll check it out quickly to see if I want to actually go to the movie theater, but I don't think it's one hundred percent accurate. I actually liked the Guy Ritchie King Arthur movie, and that got a rotten score. There are also certain critics who I trust more than I do Rotten Tomatoes.

I rewatched it not too long ago, and I was wondering if the film would lose some of its power once you know the twist. But, nope, it still works. Knowing the twist just means the film contains an extra dose of dramatic irony.

But can it be two things?