
Really? I have mixed feelings about this, but I'll wait and see how it all comes together.

If using the Cloverfield name means they can give up and coming directors the money to make mid-sized sci-fi thrillers, then I'm all for it.

Indiana Jones in The Land of the Three Named People

Pratt's okay, but I also think he's extremely limited. He's pretty good at playing a goofball in things like Parks and Rec and Guardians of the Galaxy, but I don't think I've liked him outside that role. I thought he was genuinely terrible in Jurassic World, although since the movie itself was awful, he at least has

Let's rank the Chrises:

Marvel's movies are incredibly consistent, and I kind of admire their machine-like devotion to quality control. At the same time, this makes them safe and occasionally bland. I liked Man of Steel, but it's hard to defend BvS and Suicide Squad. (For me, the latter is one of the worst films I've sat through in a

I got around to seeing Wonder Woman, which was a really excellent superhero movies thanks to Jenkins, Gadot, and Pine. It doesn't try to reinvent the genre, but it does place greater emphasis on character. It's much better than the recent slate of Marvel films (not counting the X-Men films). I would say it's better

And we're back to square one.

I'm really loving the Afrofuturist look, and Coogler has yet to disappoint. I'm also encouraged by the fact that he has continued to work in films of escalating budgets. It's not some Colin Trevorrow situation where he directed a small indie (which was kind of crappy) and then inexplicably got hired to direct a major

So I guess this maybe explains why they fired that anti-Muslim writer a few days ago, which at the time seemed really weird for a website that has built its name on Islamophobia.

Yep. I definitely know what movie I'm watching tonight.

I'm just happy that he lived long enough to see the pop culture and critical consensus around his version of Batman come around. I'll never forget falling on the floor laughing at the Bat Shark Repellent gag in the Batman movie. Thanks for that, Adam West, and rest in peace.

Aw shucks. And all those nerdy racists got apoplectic over nothing. On the bright side, I'm sure they'll find another cause soon enough.

Gadot and Pine were great, but I also wonder if the fact that Jenkins's only other film was a small character study helped their performances as well.

I would respect pragmatic centrists if they were actually pragmatic. Considering the fact that Democrats have been playing by the rules of third way Clintonionism for decades and have been nearly decimated by Republicans, there's really nothing "pragmatic" about these people. They're just losers who like the idea of

But on some level isn't all art interactive, so shouldn't paintings be eligible for The Game Awards?

So, they realized that 90s nostalgia is still in effect and changed their name to Death from above 1997?

You kind of get to the point where hating these films and wishing that they were different gets to be a chore. I've come to peace with the fact that these movies are a mess (although I do like Episode III). But each can be an interesting mess, and they're a unique vision of one crazed madman for good and bad.

Don't worry, Universal. You can try again in a few more years.

When someone mentioned to me that Sam Elliott was in We Were Soldiers, I remember thinking to myself, "Huh, he must have had a small part because I don't remember him being in that movie."