
Is Ghostbusters without the poltergeist blowjob really Ghostbusters though?

Yeah, I'm reading that headline and it still doesn't quite make sense to me. Like I see the words, but they just don't compute.

Amanda Seyfried, that mustachioed creep is no good for you!

Wilmore's show slowly improved, but it also improved too slowly.

The problem with his panels was too many comedians. Instead of actually trying to debate an issue, they too often just tried to insert whatever dumb joke they had come up with. If he modeled his show after Maher's, I think Wilmore could actually put together a decent show.

This is what happens, Marvel, when you forget to deposit funds into your slush fund and all your checks to cash-starved critics bounce.

Mask of the Phantasm is my favorite Batman movie, but I have no clue how you could claim the '66 Batman is the worst. It's an exemplar of postmodernism and pop art. It's a camp classic. In fact, all you need to do to see how great that movie is is compare it to Batman & Robin, which tried to capture that same sense of

I remember in high school being warned by teachers that you need to be careful about what you post online because others might have access to it, even if you think it's well hidden. At the time I thought, "No shit." But again and again, I heard this tired warning. It got to the point where these warnings became kind


Even a a critical review like the one above makes the novel at least sound interesting. I like The God of Small Things, so I'll probably at least pick this up when it arrives at the local library.

That description is fantastic. There's a reading of that film where it's about putting an economically mobile woman from a working class background back in "her place."

But even Netflix shows are hit and miss. The two biggest shows on Netflix, Orange Is the New Black and House of Cards, are messy at best and downright terrible at worst. Hulu has finally created a decent show with The Handmaid's Tale. HBO has a string of good to great shows, and FX has a handful of strong shows, but

There are usually a couple of really strong seasons of TV every year, but when I hear people talking about how great television is, I wonder what they're watching? The Leftovers has turned in two great seasons of television, and I'm enjoying the Twin Peaks revival, but there's not much else right now that makes me all

As someone who's originally from Cleveland, I was happy to see that part of Stranger than Paradise takes place there. One of the many things I like about Jarmusch's work is that he's interested in cities beyond just New York, even though he lives there. My guess is that this comes from the fact that he grew up near

I decided last year that I was going to rewatch every Jim Jarmusch film I could get my hands on before his latest movie came out. I didn't quite make that goal. I haven't seen his Neil Young or Stooges documentaries, and I couldn't get my hands on The Limits of Control through Netflix's disc service. But this weekend

I didn't hate the new Pirates movie as much as you did, but that first act is a complete disaster. Every character is introduced spilling gobs of exposition. That initial encounter between Orlando Bloom and his son plays out like a bad English dub of some shitty Anime. "Yes, you are my father, Will Turner! And I, your

I'm not sure I could handle Verhoeven's take on The Last Express. At the very least, they could give us a video game sequel. There were a number of loose plot threads at the end of the game (something about the thirteenth tribe, I think).

Arcade Fire walks up right to the line of being nearly too earnest for my taste. The fact that they seem to tweak their sound just enough each album keeps me interested.

See, I even liked Cloud Atlas (and sat through Jupiter Rising), but I still couldn't get into Sense8

I gave up on Sense8 after the first season. It had an interesting concept and its heart was in the right place, but the execution was subpar.