
Good to see we're on the same wavelength.

I try to work out moderately at least three times a week, and I'm in the same boat. It's a goddamn chore. I do get a sense of accomplishment afterwards, but that's mostly because I just crossed off one dreadful thing from my to do list today.

I would have preferred a film adaptation of The Last Express (rotoscoping required, of course).

Now that musical culture is fragmented and we're no longer tied to the radio, isn't it time to retire the notion of a single "song of the summer"?

Yeah, as much as I like a good season long story arc, I do miss the discipline and craft it takes to tell a strong, compelling story in forty-five minutes.

I've been spinning Enjoy The Great Outdoors by Spencer Radcliffe. It's sort of laid back and ramshackle. It reminds me a bit of Mac DeMarco, Pavement, and Sebadoh. For me, it's becoming a summer album, but for those days when it's oppressively hot and you can barely move.

Sometimes I miss the days when an episode of television felt like a really well told short story. The only genre that seems to be still doing this are procedurals and most of those suck.

The quality of each episode of Marco Polo was inversely proportional to the amount of time Marco Polo was on the screen.

You don't get Jerry Seinfeld to show up for thirty seconds without dropping some dough.

I believe this is the real reason why Hollywood whitewashes. POC are just too damn expensive to hire.

That's what I thought, but when you listen to the audio, it doesn't sound like Spicer is telling a joke (unless the guy just has an incredibly dry delivery).

I was, but I was also like nine at the time.

I've always felt like she should have been fired from television for appearing in that really crappy later season episode of The X-Files. So I guess this didn't happen soon enough.

The Wally Brando scene was worth it simply for Robert Forester's delivery of "May the road rise up to meet your wheels."

Correct. Correct. Wrong. Correct. Correct on both counts. Correct. Wrong.

Mirriam-Webster does not play.

You're Next and The Guest were an absolute blast. I just hope that directing other people's properties doesn't become his kryptonite.

The structure of Lovecraft Country, with individual short stories that fit together to form a cohesive whole, already felt like a season of television, so I think it would make a great show. Sorry to hear about Underground. I wasn't crazy about the first season. The fact that it was cancelled makes me a bit more


That Guardians of the Galaxy ride looks like fun. But once you've finished the ride, you'll have to endure the sinking realization that you're in Disneyland and not Disney World.