
I refuse to believe that this show and its title aren't some sort of practical joke played on the American public.

The screen writers either needed to add a half an hour or eliminate a subplot. Also, Orlando Bloom must be ecstatic about the bland actors who Disney snagged to replace him. Bloom has been accused of being a wooden actor, but compared to the Bloomesque actors they got for the last couple of films, he's Lawrence

Big Nowhere is pretty extreme in both good and bad ways. It's unhinged James Ellroy, so it gets really dark. At times, though, it gets so extreme that it feels like more like something you would find in a comic book rather than on a novel ostensibly grounded in the real world.

I decided to feed the beast and go see Pirates 5. It starts off and it's really bad. Every character is introduced spilling gobs of exposition. But by the time Jack Sparrow is saved from a guillotine, it starts to become really fun. For a while the film is going along, and you think that it's turning itself around.

I know that's a typo, but House of Pies sounds delicious. I would totally watch that show.

Two roads to the same destination.

Maybe I should take up method acting as an excuse not to engage with the rest of humanity.

I think the first three albums do a great job of showing different sides of the band. After There Is Nothing Left to Lose they've been looking for a clear direction, and they're become a middle of the road rock and roll band that's easy to forget even exists. Those first three albums came out at a formative time in my

I was one of the three people who saw this opening weekend, and I actually really enjoyed it. The trailers, though, were absolutely awful. You wouldn't never have suspected that the movie was actually fun after seeing those trailers.

See, I don't get that argument because they're also vicious little fuckers who were going to eat Luke and Han.

I still don't understand why we're supposed to hate the Ewoks. Is it because of the crappy made for TV movies?

Get off the internet and pay attention to the road!

Is this season worth watching? I gave up a couple of years ago on Arrow, and after season two of Flash, I wasn't sure about continuing.

I never knew Baywatch Nights had supernatural elements. You learn something new every day.

"Also, the premise that a home improvement show would be such a big hit, with a rabid fanbase, is ludicrous."

I'm always kind of rooting for Kevin Smith even though most of his recent films have looked terrible.

I've always read Clerks 2 as Kevin Smith defending himself for not growing as a film director.

I spent too much time on this Earth trying to convince myself that Weeds and Dexter "weren't THAT bad."

That is a great moment. There are good moments in the movie, but they're not tied together well.

I actually thought it was smarter than it had any right to be. I wasn't expecting a Vietnam War analogy in my big dumb monster film.