
The fourth one has its moments, but it's very clearly stitched together from multiple screenplays. For instance, at the end of the film, Sparrow strands Penelope Cruz's character, but she never really did anything to warrant such treatment. My guess is that in a different version of the script, she was supposed to be

I smell spinoff!

There's almost nothing from Showtime that I'm interested in seeing other than Twin Peaks, but even I bought a subscription in order to encourage them to hand over the reins and total control to people like David Lynch.

Hey, I liked the model Civil War reenactments.

I always thought that The Spy Who Loved Me was one of the better Roger Moore Bonds. Granted, I haven't seen it in years, but it seemed to better balance out the campy elements with legitimate thrills. I would probably go with For Your Eyes Only as the best of the bunch, though.

There's something about car commercials that gets under my skin more than commercials for other products. Also, that dude who says "It's a bad mamma-jamma" should die a painful death.

That's a terrible tragedy, and I know Zack Snyder will never read this, but I sincerely wish him and his family condolences.

But all the cool kids are doing it!

What do you want Universal to do? NOT have a shared universe of their own!

That's just, like, his thing, man.

Yeah, but they already tried to start this universe with Dracula and Wolfman, and there's been a ridiculous number of Frankenstein movies recently. They were already running out of options, and people still vaguely remember the Brendan Frasier Mummy movies.

I only had time to watch the first episode last night, but I love what I saw. This is pure, uncut Lynch. We get a few glimpses of the old gang, but Lynch is also interested in pouring all of his weird obsessions into this show. This isn't a simple nostalgia project. It's the latest offering by a master director. In

When you put it that way, it sounds like the plot for a Showtime series circa 2008.

I revisited Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. I had watched the rest of the series earlier this year, and I was kind of dreading the film. It didn't particularly resonate with me the first time I had seen it, and while plenty of the problems I had with it years ago still stand, I was in a better position just to

It always rankles me when original scenesters like Mudhoney and Melvins and the big four lumped in with those awful post-grunge bands of the 90s.

I can't even imagine what constitutes “making an insensitive remark to an African-American employee” in an environment where the show hosts are regularly and explicitly racist on the air.

I actually think that Pollard, despite being so prolific, has a better hit/miss ration than Dylan, but I also don't really care for most things Dylan has put out since the 70s.

It looks like a lot of people here were fans of Audioslave. I could never get into that band, but maybe I should give them another shot. I liked his first solo album, but I never spent much time with any of the follow ups. I suppose now's the time.

This could be good. The Dark Crystal created a cool world with some great designs. And I'd be happy to see more Muppets on the small screen. Yeah, I'm sure that Netflix sees this as an opportunity to tap into obvious nostalgia, but I hope that the creatives have pure intentions.

Make it a Ser Didymus movie and have it set in a Game of Thrones world, but with puppets.