
At least he got to be publicly humiliated before he died.

It's a testament to Soundgarden's strength as a band that you could argue that either Badmotorfinger or Superunknown is their best album. Superunknown does suffer from its overplayed singles, but if you can get away from that and try to approach both albums fresh, it's really a photo finish. I go back and forth on the

I'm sad to see Silly Little Show-Biz Book Club go, especially on a bait and switch. Good night, sweet prince.

"Kickstand" is a nice rebuttal to anyone who thought grunge was too serious. This may have been true of the followers who aped the sound to get on the radio (your Candleboxes or Creeds), but there's tons of goofy humor in the music of Nirvana, Soundgarden, Melvins, Mudhoney, and others.

I thought he looked like Paul Sorvino's son.

So, uh, is that like the same planet that's in Star Trek V where Uhura had to do that fan dance?

Academia is completely blind to issues of class. Most universities like to throw around the word diversity, but usually that means getting international students from economically elite families to send their kids to the school at twice the tuition of U.S. residents.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

And they say there are no more heroes.

The X-Men movies are more uneven than Marvel's films, but the highs are higher.

Superman is the closest superhero film to Raimi's Spiderman, but I'm not just talking about a romance subplot. I'm talking about treating it like melodrama, which Raimi does. His films bounce back from sincere morality tale to pop art camp, and somehow he makes it work. But the same kind of tonal swings happen in

The self-confidence subplot and all the other romance and family stuff is the soap opera element of comic books that have always been there but that movies have been too embarrassed to embrace. Unlike most superhero movies, Raimi's Spiderman films aren't embarrassed to be based off of funny book characters.

Wrong! Spider-Man 2 is the film that best captures the characteristic of superhero comics in film.

That's an abomination!

Couldn't Agents of SHIELD do Adrianne Palicki a solid and resurrect Bobbi so she doesn't have to work on a show with Seth McFarlane? It seems like it would be the polite thing to do.

Whether you're a "manly man" or a "nerd," at least we can all take comfort in the fact that everyone gets upset when some network exec cancels your favorite show.

The washed out color palette was a bad choice. My only guess is that Ritchie was trying to mimic the look of a 1980s heavy metal album covers, because at times the film is totally cribbing from heavy metal album covers (which is usually a good thing in my opinion).

That's what I'm saying. If you could make films like those for $30-$50, then there would be a lot less riding on them, and studios would be more wiling to take risks on genre films.

It seems like there's no space in the market for those kinds of medium budget genre pictures any more. You either have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a potential blockbuster or you spend as little as you can on an art house film. There's no middle ground.

I actually think John Carter and The Lone Ranger were both good films, but, yeah, audiences just aren't interested in 1930s pulp heroes. Or at least they're not worth spending $200 million on.