
The weirdest part of Tarzan was the unnecessary bestiality joke. What members of their audience did the filmmakers think that was appealing to?

Let the critical reassessment of Guy Ritchie's King Arthur movie begin!

I was ready to withhold judgement at first, but by the time that interview in Jezebel hit, it seemed like the accusations are legitimate.

I almost gave up on this show after the first season because while it had some highlights, it didn't really win me over. Some AV Clubbers convinced me to stick it out, so thanks random people because season two and this season have been great.

He was clearly mentally unstable last season to the point where he was burning down people's houses if he felt they were impersonating miracle men. Sometimes the converted are the most loyal adherents to a faith, so I don't think it's too much of a stretch.

I actually thought that Marco Polo was a pretty good show. It starts off slow, and Marco Polo himself is kind of boring, but there are a bunch of other really cool characters. It was also great to see a TV show where there's only one European character. It's something that we likely wouldn't get if streaming services

"That's a lotta bull."

I like how that last sentence is kind of a fill in the blank situation. You can use whatever verb you want.

I'm pretty sure that the first time I heard Dominic West using his actual accent, I thought to myself, man, his British accent sucks.

I'm just coming off a week where my family was in town visiting, so I did nothing but consume media this weekend. I just needed a break from the outside world.

I just got back from a showing, and I think the biggest surprise is that it's actually quite good. I could do without the washed out color, but it's far more stylish and enjoyable than your average Marvel flick. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I chose Guy Ritchie's King Arthur movie over Guardians of the Galaxy 2

I'm all for an artist trying something new, but that new sound doesn't have to come from shitty 70s AM radio rock.

I've been spending the morning with Woods's Love Is Love, which was written in response to the election last year. It carries over some of the Ethiopian jazz influence from their last album, but mostly it's what you would expect from Woods whose sound evolves in little increments rather than in leaps.

I read some dumb New York Times article about Twin Peaks coming back, and they called it cheesy compared to the shows it influenced. They didn't seem to realize that the show was often intentionally campy. Despite the fact that Twin Peaks has influenced many shows, none have ever quite been able to meld the unique

Axing this column does kind of piss me off. It gets tons of comments every time it appears, which I know doesn't always translate into lots of clicks, but you would think that providing something for more loyal visitors should also be a priority. Even network television has figured out that it's a good idea to keep

I thought it was getting better towards the end of the first season. It just needed a bit more time.

I don't take requests.

Oh, yeah. It definitely would have been renewed for a second season if they had named it Submarine Island.

The seasons do not require capitalization.

Whenever I decide to start watching a network TV show, it's cancelled that season. So, I would like to apologize to anyone who really enjoyed Timeless. If I hadn't started watching, it probably would have received a second season at least.