
It's like what P.T. Barnum said, "There's no such thing as bad clicks."

This article is kind of a slap in the face, not simply because it's hacky click bait, but because we get hacky click bait instead of stuff like My World of Flops.


Dude, it's called Clearasil.

This makes me want to see a Being John Malkovich sequel that's titled Being Cate Blanchett.

I watched Temple of Doom not too long ago, and he's always had a weird run.

It's because in real life he doesn't have to run. He just flies everywhere.

Fingers crossed that this leads to a third movie where they cross over with Tex Murphy.

If being a hacker involves wearing ridiculous mid-nineties outfits and adopting an absurd nickname, then I'm in.

So the boxing picture is one of cinema's first genres then. It figures.

Pratt's pretty good at playing a goofball, but I just can't take him as a legitimate badass. Even roided up Pratt couldn't pull it off in Jurassic World (which is one of the reasons I was mystified when everyone kept on mentioning him as a potential successor to Harrison Ford in the Indiana Jones movies).

Don't worry about Pepe, people. All frogs go to Heaven.

I first started watching during the Mike era, so I've always been partial to him, but your criticism of Mike is pretty common among some Joel fans I know.

It's especially bad when you're reviewing an album by a band that includes several Latino members.

Just like At the Drive In is trying to resurrect their sound from fifteen years ago, this review sounds like it was written in the early aughts, back when places like Pitchfork allowed writers overly indulgent preambles. At the Drive In's music isn't the only thing that's dated here.

I'm happy to have already found my life partner for many reasons, but one of them is because these dating apps makes it seem like the modern dating world is a vicious hellscape.

I skipped the last record, but this sounds good.

I actually think that when it comes to addressing terrorism, which is the underlying theme off all the Nolan Batman films, Batman Begins is the best. Once you get to The Dark Knight it becomes a bit to schematic, and the privacy versus safety situation tacked on at the end is kind of tacky and flat. Batman Begins is

Did the Weinsteins really think they were going to squeeze out a few extra bucks by shaving off fifteen minutes from every East Asian film they released stateside? I would imagine that an audience willing to watch a Jackie Chan film would be okay with also understanding the actual plot of the film. Supercop is a great

I was hanging out with some friends of friends on a group vacation, and we were all recovering from our hangovers by watching whatever was on TV. Pitch Black happened to be on, and the group started to mock it and then tried to guess who was going to die next. But every single time they were wrong. The movie knows its