
The first X-Men movie has some great character interaction that really grounds the superhero stuff. You have to credit the script as well as the rest of the cast for this. Also, apparently the studio just randomly cut months off the film's production time, so it's amazing it turned out well at all.

This looks like it was poorly handled, but, yeah, you can at least see the airline's point of view here.

Oh, Sense8. I struggled to get through your first season. I liked what you were trying to do, but I hated how you were doing it.

For all his faults, Lucas could still direct action better than any director half his age. But my God that "love story" is one of cinema's worst, and qualifies Attack of the Clone as the worst of the prequels. You can ignore Jar Jar in Episode I, but you can't ignore Anakin and Padme in Episode II.

After suffering through every goddamn season of Dexter and even coming back to watch the first season of Homeland, which was pretty bad considering it's supposed to be one of that show's good seasons, I swore off Showtime completely. But, you've done. You've found a way to reel me back in, Showtime.

I watched the first season, and it didn't really click for me. It seemed stuck between serious historical drama and trashy soap opera, but didn't really satisfy the demands of either genre. But the second season sounds interesting. Despite not being won over by the first season, I've been tempted to give season two a

So it looks like this movie has something to do with water.

I find this pairing creepily incestuous for some reason that I can't fully explain. It's like when you see a married couple who aren't related in any form but look like they could be brother and sister. It really skeeves me out.

That Shabazz Palaces song's pretty great. I remember thinking I appreciated their last album more than I actively enjoyed it.

I've always thought that great comedies function on different registers. Austen Powers (the first one) had no problem appealing to the lowest common denominator, but it also had weirdo moments like Mustafa's death or Dr. Evil's monologue about his childhood as well as parodies of extremely specific British culture

The sequel was so bad that I never even watched the third movie. (This also happened with the Matrix series). Also, I remember being kind of pissed off that they immediately discarded Elizabeth Hurley's character at the beginning of the film. I know this is a weird thing to get upset about, but somehow it angered me.


Fun fact: When you type "Shane MacGowan" into Google, the second search option is "Shane MacGowan teeth."

If Trump has taught us anything, it's that the Republican base doesn't really care about free market principles so long as they think the government is helping out "people like them."

Fifty bucks just for internet would be a deal where I live. For just internet, I pay about eighty dollars a month, and I don't even rent a modem. If Democrats want to win the White House in 2020, they just need to promise to break up local cable monopolies. Those midwest states that turned red would turn back pretty

AV Club

I think these (mostly) dumb Netflix superhero shows would benefit from a shorter running time per episode. If they were just forty-five minutes a piece, then they would be able to cut some fat and tighten up the storytelling. Also, the showrunners should quit thinking of the season as one long movie.

I don't binge watch television, so it would be nice if Netflix included a little "previously on" recap for each episode.

Twin Peaks was a tricky train to run. When it worked, it perfectly balanced atmospherics and a sense of dread alongside quirky characters and camp. It's no one the second season almost crumbled.

Yeah, but that was one of the highlights of season two, not one of the low points.